Trump-Loving MAGA City Council Member Arrested on Charges of Child Rape

Trump-Loving MAGA City Council Member Arrested on Charges of Child Rape

Posted by nikkisixxi


    I think people who wear hats like that should be investigated. I’m sorry. All these Q-Anon, Trumpers, Pizzagate people who think all Dems and everyone in Hollywood is a pedo end up being on themselves. Sicko. I’m sure he’ll be popular in prison.

  2. That’s why they love trump so much. They are always screaming so loud and often about all of the horrible things everyone is doing when in reality they are doing those very things themselves

  3. Of corse. They run to Trump for protection and to normalize Sexual and Child abuse. Russel Brand, Elon Musk, Hulk Hogan, Kid Rock all sick fucks.

  4. Seems like this kind of thing happens in a daily basis. But I’m sure all the delusional MAGAs believe they’re all secretly liberals.🤦‍♂️

  5. Deception, projection, deflection. Every accusation a confession.

    Still not a drag queen.

  6. It’s always who you most suspect. Church leaders, the people supporting child marriage and the rest of the Republican party

  7. If it’s good enough for the president it’s good enough for me! If he can deny the truth so can I! Make America great again!

  8. MAGA are all the same. accuse people of what they’re going. Investigate ALL MAGA. They are not right!

  9. Holy shit that article is virtually unreadable because of the constantly moving ads. It’s like some stupid game where you’re trying to select or predict where an ad will appear so you don’t click on it. Fuck this invasive out of control advertising. Do these people know that their editorials are this inundated with ads?

    That being said I hope they lock this scumbag up in general population and throw away the key.

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