‘It made me cry’: photos taken 15 years apart show melting Swiss glaciers

‘It made me cry’: photos taken 15 years apart show melting Swiss glaciers


by morenewsat11

  1. Coming to the sad realization that no amount of information in *any* form is going to change the beliefs of climate deniers.

    > Users of X reacted with horror and heartbreak to Porter’s post, which has been viewed 3 million times, echoing the couple’s anguish. But the post also attracted a steady stream of comments from climate denying-accounts subscribed to X’s premium service, many of which were abusive and misrepresented established climate science.

    > Porter said he was aware that glaciers recede and grow over long timeframes but that many of the comments in his feed were inaccurate and based on dubious sources.

    > “These things are supposed to happen over really long time periods,” he said. “What people should focus on is the speed of change.”

  2. The poor might be the first to suffer grievously for the avarice-fueled climate change, but it will come for all.

    Sooner than expected.

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