„Völkermord an Hindus“: Bangladeschische Islamisten greifen Minderheiten an, brennen Häuser nieder, entführen Frauen, während das Land in unheiligen Wahnsinn versinkt

„Völkermord an Hindus“: Bangladeschische Islamisten greifen Minderheiten an, brennen Häuser nieder, entführen Frauen, während das Land in unheiligen Wahnsinn versinkt


  1. Majority of the nation Islamic? Attack the Hindu folk.

    Majority of the nation Hindu? Attack the Islam folk.

    It almost seems like there is some sort of common denominator that needs to be looked at here.

  2. The same crap all over…

    Muslims/Islamists with that peaceful Religion Murder/Rape/Kidnap and what not.

    I am getting the feeling that without getting rid of Religions and whoever defends them the World will never be at Peace.

  3. As Usual western liberal media and middle eastern news outlets tried to downplay this news as the minorities involved are not their favourite minorities and the culprits involved are from their favourite sect. This rebellion was never about ousting a dictator. Its was done so that orthodox fundamentalists gain power and are free to attack hindus christians of that nation.
    Sad thing is this will again create horrors of 1971. influx of refugees in India which is alreadybso populated that it cant take more.

  4. Why are so many Islamics such hateful violent people and why do they hate women so much?

  5. This is what “globalize the intifada” actually means —> killing civilians. Useful idiots indeed…

  6. I wonder how much coverage this will get in international press. There are some groups we care about more than others.

  7. Everyone expected this to happen. Few things can’t change. If someone has such extremism in their mind, no amount of education or anything can change them.

  8. The result of radicalization.

    Hope the international community invest attention to the minority communities in this country.

  9. Hope BNT doesnt come to power… If they do then all the progress made by Bangladesh would be in vain… Minorities would be doomed… Toughf time ahead.

    I hope somehow BNT lose election.

  10. The sooner the world realizes how dangerous of a cult Islam is the sooner we can achieve some actual peace in our lifetimes.

    Their holy book literally says ‘Kill all non-believers of Allah’ and yet the Western World willingly turns a blind eye to the ever increasing radicaliztion amongst their own population.

    This is the biggest ticking time bomb in the world right now.

  11. >Unholy madness.

    NGL sounds too tabloidy.

    Looked up whats happening in Bangladesh in other sources and the latest news is pretty much just their leader fleeing and an interim government took over.

  12. I find it really curious that the BBC is not reporting on this at all despite numerous videos and tons of evidence. They are still treating the whole thing as a victory by protesters against the Government and keeping extremely quiet about the attacks against minorities aside from some vague comments about “general unrest”.

  13. this was done by the ex-PM’s men to divert the blame to the citizens who protested.

    the citizens were guarding the temples overnight.

    this is just india’s plan to de-stabilise the nation.

  14. I don’t see any messages about violence against Hindus after Hasina left in Bangla Desh. To what extent is this happening? Where i can find independent reporting about this?

  15. These Islamists, who we’ve been assured are definitely a minority, do seem to be absolutely everywhere don’t they?

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