Russians are still nailing personal phones of military personnell

Russians are still nailing personal phones of military personnell

by 8BallCoronersPocket

  1. You know this young lad has no idea the mutilation and dismemberment he will witness.

  2. is this the russian soldiers showing the MOD they are listening and not using phones at the front, while acknowledging they don’t need the phone as there is no going back?

  3. In 43 years some Ukrainian kid is gonna fall into a long forgotten trench and discover several skeletons surrounding a column which has hundreds of phones stapled to it and it’s gonna become a cryptid or some shit

  4. If they are genuinely getting rid of phones it’s a very good thing for Ukraine as the soldiers use phones to communicate with each other. However, I tend to believe this is a bit of theatre to demonstrate they are following the new guidelines and Russians will continue using phones (and record themselves swearing at burning tanks)

  5. May I ask what kind of device they are using to film themselves nailing cell phones? It wouldn’t happen to be a cell phone that did not get nailed.

  6. 100% reflective of the control of the media we see comming out of the war .. Even Ukraine has changed a lot since the beginning of the war on what media is released .. Obviously there are the slips but for the most part cell phone and personal release videos are not the normal. It’s a very fabricated view of the conflict at this point by both sides we receive for various reasons ..

  7. In memory of Igor and the fallen Orcs.

    I would think Propaganda video using sunflowered orcs. I am sure there would be more than a few dead phones laying around to create this bloody masterpiece.

  8. It’s hard to believe they used to produce amazing music art and writing a century ago

  9. They snatching kids outta middle school to go die on the front nowadays or what??

  10. Makes sense. You don’t want them talking to family, telling them how it really is, and getting second thoughts…

  11. Hmmm…using a cell phone in Ukraine to film the punishment of cell phones used to film things in Ukraine.

  12. In a week I bet we’ll either see the footage, or get a report of this poor bastard having been blown up by a drone or murdered by his own comrades

  13. They don’t want soldiers to keep in contact with family back home because they are all letting everyone back home know the reality of this war.

  14. I have a question tho, does anyone know why they do that ? Like guideline from the mad man in the Kremlin, or like phones of the dead for rememberance ? Cause keep seing these videos and photos of nailed phone and I cannot understand it.

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