Three water companies facing combined record fine after investigation into sewage failings

Three water companies facing combined record fine after investigation into sewage failings

by sjw_7

  1. What exactly is the point in fining a monopoly utility provider? They don’t lose business and they don’t lose revenues, it just becomes a cost to be recouped at next year’s increase on their captive market. If anything it means it might hit their operating budgets, which means more issues.

    The only way fines make sense in this context is if they are in the form of asset seizures. Ie. Taking capital assets and giving them to another utility to operate (hopefully better). That directly hits the water companies’ revenues.

  2. The only thing that will make them behave is if we start sending the people at the top to jail.

  3. Nationalise the lot. 

    If I could vote with my wallet and choose a different supplier I would but I’m left with no choice but to contribute to the profits of one of these badly run and corrupt companies. 

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