The russian man in this video got caught for drugging former russian military men who served in Ukraine and stealing their money and valuables. In total, he was able to rob around 100 russian soldiers before getting caught

The russian man in this video got caught for drugging former russian military men who served in Ukraine and stealing their money and valuables. In total, he was able to rob around 100 russian soldiers before getting caught

by 8BallCoronersPocket

  1. i bet he didn’t do it ,the interviewers did it and found a scapegoat,a random small guy they tortured to admit it

  2. That guy has the same build as impoverished kids in the 1920s. And looks like they’ve forced him to wear a boiling hot dick shaped chain. Brutal.

  3. The implication of this is that at least 100 russians made it back from Ukraine. That’s very disappointing.

  4. Genitals tattoo around his neck, and of the worst prison-quality too. Mustabin the boy toy in his last prison.

  5. is that a hole in the floor to shit in behind him? What a shit-hole they live in.

  6. Strange to say, but that’s one of the more horrifying things I’ve seen on this sub-Reddit.

  7. Good to see his family is very keen to keep the gene pool familiar , clearly brother and sister love is working out just fine for producing throwbacks ,just needs pointy ears breeding in now.

  8. Good job little dude, don’t let the dicklace cramp your style we all fucking love you!

  9. My god he looks like a walking crimewave with a side order of social diseases of the kind you dont want

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