Trump’s Net Worth Has Dropped by $900 Million Since Harris Entered the Race

Trump’s Net Worth Has Dropped by $900 Million Since Harris Entered the Race

Posted by nikkisixxi

  1. Its gone from 4 billion to 3.1 billion. Maybe its just me but this headline makes it sound like he’s losing a little bit more than he actually is, but its still substantial. Either way, its a continuation of the trend where people do not want anything to do with this guy. He’s too volatile

    Edit: to clarify im only going off the info presented in the article title being a little clickbaity when compared to the contents in the article itself.

  2. Don’s entire life has been surrounded with fraud and deception at its core, and he comes with a shit-ton of baggage, with a wake of destruction behind him and a shit-ton of litigation in front of him, he’s a toxic investment personality, financially and politically.

  3. The reality is that there are food and DIY blogger sites that get 2 million unique users a month – Truth Social is small potatoes in terms of online traffic is wildly overvalued.

    The only reason it’s even still around is because Trump’s posts on it get wide play, so it is kept in the limelight. I have a Truth Social account and other than Trump’s rants, it’s a bunch of whiny Walmart shoppers who pretend to be Christians but who really just want to bitch about and judge everyone else who isn’t exactly like them, and weirdos who like guns and young girls too much.

    Edit: Also the ads are all for Trump paraphernalia, hardcore anti-Democracy stuff, catheters and that weird MyPillow guy.

  4. The only thing liquid about Donold is in his diapers. That networth number ain’t worth jack.

  5. This…. Shouldn’t be. Like running for president shouldn’t affect a candidate’s personal wealth to this degree.

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