You guys are sicko

You guys are sicko

by zwiezer

  1. ed? There is a zoo in germany where there is a human enclosure. You can go in buy chips,hotdogs etc… and go out.

  2. Sorry to ruin this for you guys: Ireland, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Switzerland, Nederlands and Poland had human zoos. Sometimes, it was organized with world fairs.

    Also, the displayed persons were, usually, well payed to “perform” in these zoos. (Except maybe on Belgium)

    Edit: typo

  3. You aren’t truly from western Europe if you never exhibited humans in zoo.😔

  4. I mean Eastern Europe just didn’t do it for money. But to this day you can go and watch them usually near trainstations in big cities.

  5. If the last week has shown anything it’s that England has plenty of candidates for zoological study and display.

  6. I believe Sweden had lilleplutt landet in Liseberg where they had dwarfs as an attraction. Admitedly Liseberg is an amusement park and not a zoo

  7. You should add another colour for « was exhibited in a zoo » and the colour Finland with that.

    Source: I was born and raised a sauna gollum, and just use my married flare here.

  8. We still have an open air zoo full of weired people.

    We call it “Berlin”.

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