Ammunition warehouse at Morozovsk airfield in Russia

Ammunition warehouse at Morozovsk airfield in Russia

by macktruck6666

  1. Guys.. I’m not seeing the warehouse.

    I think the Russians have advanced their camouflage technology.

  2. Destroyed warehouse at the Morozovsk airfield: Almost the entire range of ammunition for the Su-34 is observed. FAB aerial bombs from 100 to 500 (all of them can be used with UMPC), KAB-500 adjustable aerial bombs and rare KAB-1500 aerial bombs were destroyed. There are also R-73 air-to-air missiles used for self-defense of bombers. The wreckage of the Su-34 itself can be seen in several photos (bright blue). Including the torn-off electronic warfare unit of the Khibiny – it is located at the wingtip.

    Source: telegram channel “arrowsmap”

  3. Going to be a fun day for those who are going to clean this. But these being Russians they probably just cover it with a thin layer of dirt and forget about it.

  4. I mean it’s Russia. Given what I’ve seen of the rest of that dump these could be the ‘before’ picture…

  5. Russia, I’ll let you in on some Western secrets to success:

    – Hesco barriers

    – Concrete bunkers

    – Pallets & forklifts

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