“Morozovsk” airfield in Russia. Consequences of detonating an ammo depot after the recent strike by Ukrainian UAVs

“Morozovsk” airfield in Russia. Consequences of detonating an ammo depot after the recent strike by Ukrainian UAVs

by Igor0976

  1. So happy to see all those bombs nad rockets exploding at the correct side of the international border.

  2. Most if them ars as good as new. Refill, paint and good to go….better quality ammo than it was before.

  3. Destroyed warehouse at the Morozovsk airfield: Almost the entire range of ammunition for the Su-34 is observed. FAB aerial bombs from 100 to 500 (all of them can be used with UMPC), KAB-500 adjustable aerial bombs and rare KAB-1500 aerial bombs were destroyed. There are also R-73 air-to-air missiles used for self-defense of bombers. The wreckage of the Su-34 itself can be seen in several photos (bright blue). Including the torn-off electronic warfare unit of the Khibiny – it is located at the wingtip.

    Source: telegram channel “arrowsmap”

  4. That’s a lot of FABs not dropped on Ukrainian positions, houses and civilian infrastructure, all with zero civilian lives sacrificed in either side. More of these is needed in the near future.

  5. Maybe you should hammer with a stick against some of these, just in case they can still boom you know ?

  6. Maybe some Russians blow themselves into pieces trying to clear the undetonated ordnance or even better destroy their own equipment trying to re-use it (which I’m pretty sure they would). Would be a nice bonus.

  7. “Do it again! Do it again!” — free world

    Do it ‘til it never needs to be done again

  8. This shows why restrictions on western weapon use should be removed instantly

  9. So beautiful. It was nice of the Ukrainian army to clear the land for future development. Looks like they dug out a future pond too.

  10. “Gergoriy, just dust them off and ship all of it to the front. Will be like new”

  11. I would not want to have to clear that up, unexploded ordnance that has already been cooked by a massive fire and explosion. Can’t imagine how many lives this has saved.

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