On this day, the Wola Massacre entered day 2 after Heinrich Himmler ordered mass executions of Wola inhabitants following the Warsaw Uprising, killing 40,000-50,000 people

On this day, the Wola Massacre entered day 2 after Heinrich Himmler ordered mass executions of Wola inhabitants following the Warsaw Uprising, killing 40,000-50,000 people


by dat_9600gt_user

  1. Poland really did not win the lottery of geographical locations or luck. Attacked by both Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia, countless massacres perpetrated by both murderous regimes.

  2. The guy who directed the massacre, Heinz Reinefarth, was elected mayor of Westerland on the island of Sylt in 1951, and died of old age in 1979.

  3. How were those soldiers so indoctrinated and blind?

    I’m just following orders?

    If you had two brain cells to think and know that you’re going to kill innocent people, that simple fact could change your decision and not commit a crime.

    Even if you, as a soldier, are going to be killed, it’s better than killing innocent people.

  4. And the man responsible for it, SS Gruppenführer Heinz Reinefarth, lived a long, good life in West Germany, dying of old age in 1979. He was even elected mayor of the city of Westerland.

    He’s far from being the only german war criminal that faced no consequences for his actions and lived a long, free life in West Germany after the war. But according to r/Europe, saying that post war occupation of Germany wasn’t harsh enough, constitutes harrassment and can get you banned.

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