Russland liefert angeblich hochmoderne Luftabwehr an den Iran

Russland liefert angeblich hochmoderne Luftabwehr an den Iran

Russia allegedly delivering advanced air defenses to Iran

  1. Why aren’t they using these advanced air defenses to defend their oil refineries and military bases? Lmao

  2. Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China, which tries in every possible way to appear unconnected to them

  3. Assuming Iran does receive the “advanced” air defense system, which one will it be? S300, S400 or S500 when Russia itself does not have enough for its own use.

  4. They are amazing at destroying ukrainian drones and protecting infrastructure, by giving drones something to crash into

  5. Opinions about the moral implications of the conflict aside… those will not protect you from what Israel is packing. If there is a country on this planet that understands how air defense works/doesn’t, it’s Israel. You can bet money they will find and exploit the deficiencies of these systems.

  6. “Advanced”

    But by all means. Go ahead and leave your own airspace vulnerable. Ukraine will make advantage of it. And less likely to shoot down one of those precious F-16’s.

  7. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original]( reduced by 72%. (I’m a bot)
    > Iran has reportedly started receiving advanced air defense and radar equipment from Russia, following a request from Tehran to the Kremlin, as per Iranian officials quoted by The New York Times.

    > Pezeshkian highlighted the shared objectives between Iran and Russia in promoting a multipolar world, which Pezeshkian believes will contribute to global security and peace.

    > "Shared positions between Iran and Russia in promoting a multipolar world will certainly lead to greater global security and peace," Pezeshkian stated.

    [**Extended Summary**]( | [FAQ]( “Version 2.02, ~691868 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback]( “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Russia**^#1 **Iran**^#2 **Pezeshkian**^#3 **During**^#4 **Security**^#5

  8. Meanwhile in the west: oh boy I can’t wait to find a new way to put obstacles in front of our allies.

    Taiwan should take notes from this…

  9. This is all a bunch of fake news from the American government.

    They’re tryying to justify airstrikes on the Iranians.

  10. Well, they’re doing so well against leftover US surplus weapons from the 80s in Ukraine, why not try their hand against what the US MIC has to offer in 2024?

  11. They don’t have enough for themselves so Iran will get old crap probably from North korea

  12. This is so funny. Either what they’re giving away doesn’t work, because Ukrasine has pretty much proven they don’t, or Russia is desperate for the cash to bribe more meat puppets for their soviet style frontal attacks.

  13. Willing to bet money the advanced air system is a sign that says “NO BOMBING ZONE”. I think the people of North Sentinel island have more advanced air defense systems.

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