Russian Railway networks facing “imminent collapse”: report

Russian Railway networks facing “imminent collapse”: report

by newsweek

  1. By Isabel van Brugen – Reporter:

    The state-owned Russian Railways faces “imminent collapse” amid a shortage of locomotives, driven by Western-imposed sanctions imposed over the war in Ukraine, a Russian Telegram channel has reported.

    The sanctions have contributed to a ball-bearing shortage in Russia, which has affected locomotive maintenance in the country. This has led to a rise in malfunctions on the network’s trains and an increase in the number of vehicles being suspended, Russian newspapers Vedomosti and Kommersant reported in February and March this year.

    Read more: [](

  2. If I got a penny everytime I read about some russian collapse, I could retire comfortably right now.

  3. I have a large jar of assorted ball bearings in my garage.

    Payments in Euros or Dollars only – no roubles

  4. Just like Russia collapsed last year, and year prior. Just like Putin has cancer and it is just matter of weeks or months when he will die. Just like Ukraine counteroffensive will retake Crimea. And a lot of other thing that were said by western media and didn’t happen. Isn’t there someone who will report at least somewhat true story?

  5. maybe one third of the budget on military wasn’t the greatest idea of all time? But I am no expert.

  6. I see a report that something russian is about to collapse or fail, then a new report a few days later someone fell out of a window.

    I’m curious how long can this go on?

  7. Maybe they’ll stop spending all their time posting misinformation on Reddit…

  8. Putin right now looking for a tall building with windows big enough for a locomotive to fit through

  9. This “report” is an anonymous telegram channel quoting an anonymous source quoting an official in Russian Railways company. Yeah, taking about reliable information

  10. People largely ignore one of the most essential parts of the sanctions, which for Russia are the microchip industry … they only have 3 microchips producers, but the POINT that everyone ignores or is ignorant about is that you need the Technology/Machines to produce them, which no one has except ASML (Dutch owned) and TSMC (Taywan owned) … no one in the world is relevant in this race, so basically, the West controls in full the microchips manufacturing narrative.

    Oil or Gas, you can find a source either way, and that can be applied for any type of primary material … on the other hand, the Tech to produce microchips, fortunately, is limited to the West sphere of influence.

    Basically, if China invaded Taywan, the West could just stop all microchip manufacturing machines like the EUV lithography machines … these are the most advanced machines built by our species, and yes, that includes everything that’s space exploration related. Even the engineers that work to make them don’t know completely how they work. That’s how complicated they are. They have segmented production so that no individual ‘leak’ can be successful in replicating the tech.

  11. The way Europe thought about Russia before 2022 was that nations that trade with each other will have less incentive to start wars. It worked with France/Germany/Britain. Nobody thought that a dictator would be willing to throw all his chips on the table like this.

  12. DeutschBahn been going for years and I am sure they are significantly worse off and more defunct than ex-Soviet infrastructure. I took some trains in Uzbekistan, they were better than most of what DB could offer at that point, and DB only been getting worse.

    **So let’s not read TOO much** into RuSSia being increasingly a sh!thole, look at Iran, they been going in that isolated mode for years… all the sanctions **do** work, but a determined dictator that manages to strangle the opposition will just gladly ride to the very bottom on a carpet of his own dead people’s blood.

  13. Why? Russian railways is one of least dependent on the imported components spheres.

  14. Russian aviation is highly unlikely to survive long without parts and services – it relies almost completely on foreign aircrafts and equipment.

    I highly doubt it’s the same case with railways.

  15. Well they can use their so called “booming economy” to solve this little issue i guess

  16. Almost anything can be patched up and kept running.

    The key is what is having to be sacrificed because of this.

    For example. If every signalling box in all of the lesser Soviet Union were destroyed. They could still manually run the trains. But, lower priority things just won’t get shipped. Things will get lost, and things will be late. This can really ruin the logistics of many companies, factories, etc. A simple example would be produce which spoils before arrival. Another would be a factory with too much of one part, (no room), and not enough of another.

    This applies to refineries, airplanes, etc.

    But, best of all, safety will go in the toilet. This means, the soviets will effectively be blowing up their own stuff on a regular basis.

  17. It would sure be a shame if someone did sabotage against the still working train sets…

  18. I’ll just grab my popcorn and watch. So many times various things should collapse and they didn’t. That being said, I don’t care until it actually collapses- when it does, I’ll smile and go back to my life.

  19. If they can’t get a supply of ball bearings through their mates, China, Iran, they deserve to collapse, so this particular article is, at best, dubious.

  20. Newsweek citing a telegram channel getting that many upvotes for wishful thinking? Yep Im on reddit.

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