In Iraq, a Law That Can ‘Legalize Pedophilia’ Is on the Table

In Iraq, a Law That Can ‘Legalize Pedophilia’ Is on the Table

In Iraq, a Law That Can ‘Legalize Pedophilia’ Is on the Table

Posted by Vegetable-Piece-9268

  1.  62 Iraqi parilment members signed for this bill….. never been more ashamed of being Iraqi than now.

  2. Watch for media drumming up sentiment from the public, to push war, etc against iraq (again) bc they don’t want the US soldiers in their country. The US govt has been stealing Syria’s oil/wheat/barley and smuggling it into their bases in Iraq, fyi.

    Note that the clients of Jeffrey Epstein have still not been named or prosecuted in the US.

  3. It’s astonishing that the Iraqi government is so extremely crippled by corruption that they are practically let foreign actors run rampant on every sector of the country, but they decide that this is the kind of action that will improve the country.

    Sad to see the cradle of civilisation reduced to this

  4. The shia have been doing this for ages now, just illegally and without recourse for the “wife”.

    Either they think somehow legalizing it will get it under control somehow in some 5d chess universe, or the corruption is just that bad.

    [The situation is so shit that some shia clerics tried to sleep with some influencer women who got assassinated when said no/exposed them](

    [One hour documentary with subs](

  5. This is similar to Iran, I believe. Like, Iran has temp marriage. Though, I’m not sure Iran has different inheritance laws for different sects.

  6. It’s awesome that trillions of western taxpayer’s dollars was spent bringing democracy to these backward religious freaks

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