Interview with a POW. He told how women and children were raped, tortured and killed. Translation in comments.

Interview with a POW. He told how women and children were raped, tortured and killed. Translation in comments.

by AngelOfIdiocy

  1. Translation

    POW: September 7, 2023, 41st Brigade, 659th unit. Got to SMO by signing a contract on September 7 through Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The first battle was in Avdiivka, in Vodyane we were just looking for a location, there we were only carrying ammunition, food and taking out the wounded. The fighting itself was from February 20 to February 28, capture, clearing and fixing Lastochkin. In Vodyane we were just looking for a place to dislocate, a basement. We found two locals who, according to OMSK, well, call sign OMSK, our squad commander, thought they were adjusters.

    I: How old were they at that time?

    POW: 37-38 years old. According to them, they were hiding from us.

    I: They could have been locals?

    POW: Yes, we thought that they were adjusters. Next we liquidated them. First we broke them with rifle butts, beat them on the arms, on the legs.

    I: How long were you beaten?

    POW: About 20 minutes, then we found ropes, strangled them, hung them, one of us hung them.

    I: Who was hanging?

    POW: Zakhar.

    I: So they were hung up already dead, right?

    PIW: Unconscious.

    I: And how were these acts of violence carried out?

    POW: Avdiivka. From February 8, 2024, found women, children in the basements, just went in, looking for shelter from mortars, and found women, children.

    I: Can you tell us, please, how did that happen?

    POW: On February 8, 2024, discovered a woman with two children in the basement, near Avdiivka, the countryside of Avdiivka. Found a woman 38 years old, two children, 11 and 13 years old, girls. Just found out what they were doing here, why they didn’t leave. They simply had nowhere to go. Then eventually a command came in to gag them with duct tape so they couldn’t be heard.

    I: Who gave the command?

    POW: The commander of our group,

    I: OMSC?

    POW: Yes, we put duct tape over their mouths, all three of them. Then, starting with the adults, we started committing violent acts.

    I: How old were the girls again?

    POW: 11 and 13 years old.

    I: For how long were the violent acts?

    POW: Not long, about two hours in total. Then they were put up against the wall and shot. Already on Lesnaya Street, in Avdiivka, two women were found in a house there, who according to the conversations came home for food, because they lived in the basement, for vermicelli, for buckwheat, (we) surrounded them, interrogated them. They put duct tape over their mouths as ordered. Started committing violent acts.

    I: How old were they and how many of them?

    POW: 38-40 years old, two women. Then, took them to the basement and found a child 10 years old,

    I: A boy or a girl?

    POW: A girl, (we) had also covered her (mouth) with duct tape. In front of the parents they started committing violent acts. Then, after the rape, the whole thing took about two hours, then they put them up against the wall and shot them. Then (we) put them up against the wall and shot them.

    I: How many rapes were committed?

    POW: Three boys, eight… no, five girls, six women.

    I: How were you taken prisoner?

    POW: In Ocheretino, in a trench. I was alone, lost at night. The group lost me. I just didn’t find them. They picked up and went back. I first went into the teal to the AFU. Then I found the trenches we were supposed to go through. Went into the trench, kept moving. While I put… I started changing clothes there, put my weapon aside. Found myself surrounded by three men. There were no grenades in my backpack. Weapons were far away.

    I: How much time did you spend fighting in SMO?

    POW: Eight months.

    I: Did you try the whole service in one unit?

    POW: No. When they made me an officer, I was transferred to the motorized riflemen in the second company. I was thrown from assaults into the second company. I was a junior lieutenant.

  2. Now imagine this beeing done in every occupied town. 10 year old girls, ffs.. Vermin

  3. Its fortunate that Ukraine observes the rules of warfare otherwise I would love to see this fucker flayed Alive and salted on national TV at 9pm just after the news and weather

  4. When a russian soldier gets a promotion (like this guy) or an award, it is always prudent to stop and think about why.

  5. Next time you see some Orc soldier being disassembled by a drone strike, lying bleeding and limbless in a ditch, being gradually consumed by flames, flailing and drowning in a meter deep stream or whatever, just remember this creature’s testimony. EVERY Russian soldier is party to this, either as a direct perpetrator or as a facilitator in a direct or indirect sense.

  6. More vital evidence of Russia’s horrendous war crimes, to add to the thousands already documented. Half the world may be completely ignoring these atrocities at present but things change and one day Russia will be held to account.

  7. pro-russ arriving with ” but ukraine did the same to dumbas pipal”, “whatabout usa”, ” it is all fake”, ” nazi-hujacy” in 4…3…2…

  8. Balls off there and the. With a fucking box cutter. Then throw this piece of shit to rape victims to deal with.

  9. Putin wants the land and natural resources. He’s unleashed the hounds of hell upon Ukraine.

    May they all rot in hell for eternity.

    Slava Ukraini!

  10. As much as I would like to see this guy suffer endless pain and suffering don’t forget that Ruzzians have POWs as well.

    If you hurt this guy publically they would very likely use it as a pre-text to commit even more warcrimes.

    It’s unfortunately how it works.

  11. I hate the western news cycle. War news is usually political crap. Not the actual atrocious acts that are happening here. If we were shown more of this more help would be sent

  12. Nothing changed in Russian mentality for last 100 years. I over heard my grandmother when she said that the soviets were raping even old women and a little children.

  13. “Not long, about two hours in total”… TWO. HOURS!!! He says that so calmly… It’s just disgusting. I feel disgust and hatred for Russia again. It feels like hell living here among monsters like this one. Those women and children didn’t deserve any of this. They just wanted to live. Those girls and boys could gо to school, play with their friends, grow up… Damn, I can’t even imagine how horrifying it all was. That’s totally insane.

  14. I have no words. What a sick, sick society that produces these monsters. Systematically torturing, raping and killing civilian children and women. In front of parents! How sick! F–king worms.

    Every killed orc counts. Give Ukraine all the support they need.

  15. This is rage inducing. The way he talks about this is pretty frightening too. There is 0 remorse.

  16. I am usually very much against the death penalty.
    The crimes this monster has committed against Ukrainian civilians has definitely changed my mind.
    Anyone who tortures, rapes and murders innocent civilians, or pow’s, should receive a capital sentence. After serving a lengthy prison sentence first.

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