Thousands of A-level students receive blank email instead of results

Thousands of A-level students receive blank email instead of results

by TheTelegraph

  1. ***The Telegraph reports:***

    Thousands of teenagers have received a blank email that should have contained their grades in a [results day]( “shambles” in Scotland.

    The Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) said it was “working urgently to resolve the issue”, which is affecting those who had signed up to receive their results by email.

    Students opened the emailed, which read: “Dear Candidate, your 2024 results are:” followed by a blank space.

    The email then continued: “If you have any questions about your results, please speak to your school, college or training provider.”

    In a statement, the SQA said: “We know there is an issue impacting candidates who signed up to receive their results by email only. We are working urgently to resolve the issue.

    “Texts are not impacted and the vast majority of learners who signed up to MySQA are receiving their results as expected.

    “All learners across Scotland will also receive their physical certificate today via post”.

    **Read more:** [****](

  2. > Thousands of A-level students receive blank email instead of results

    This email has been left intentionally blank.

  3. Ignoring the fact that (apart from some private schools) we don’t have A-Levels in Scotland and these kids are waiting on National, Higher, and Advanced Higher results 🙄 At least the physical certificate will be in the post, always dreaded the wait for the post to show up at the door on results day.

  4. When A-Levels are England, Wales & NI, and not out until next Thursday. Ok then. Whatever.

  5. Does anyone else find it odd to refer to people who sat SQA Nationals, Highers and Advanced Highers as “A-level students”? Has The Telegraph translated Scottish terms for English readers?

  6. Torygraph would have pissed a lot of scottish off today if many read that horrible tory rag up there.

  7. Someone forgot to link the datasets. Then again it’s probably an excel mail merge. This is really basic stuff. You send yourself say 20 emails as a test before you send it out.

  8. Kids in Scotland don’t sit A-levels.

    Fucking hell telegraph, that’s got to be about the most basic of failures in fact checking no?

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