Anne Frank statue in Amsterdam defaced with ‘Free Gaza’ tag

Anne Frank statue in Amsterdam defaced with ‘Free Gaza’ tag

by euronews-english

  1. Ah yeah, all those wonderful people who claim they are doing this to support fellow muslims, but stay quiet about concentration camps for muslims in China. They don’t give a rat’s ass about muslims, they just want to eradicate jews from this planet. Abhorrent weirdos.

  2. This is so absurd that I am seriously suspicious of this being a false flag by someone who wants to stoke hate. But of course, one should never underestimate the idiocy of people either.

  3. Clean it and don’t bring this into the news.

    These jewhaters don’t deserve the attention.

  4. I can’t believe there are people in the world who can go through any sort of thought process and determine that this is a good idea.

  5. I’m fully convinced some people support Palestine and have 0 idea what they are supporting or even what a jew is.

  6. Again? Didn’t this happen at the start of the protests and then again a few days ago?
    What’s the point of defacing the statue of a kid lol?

  7. Bringing in people from a culture that hates jews leads to antisemitic attacks?

    Shocked pickachu face

  8. Oh. But no one who says they are a supporter of a free Palestine could possibly be antisemitic…

  9. SJW, Lefties and Muslims intensifying Antisemitism. And nobody can tell me otherwise

  10. Free Gaza – so they can live under Hamas rule – with women in burkhas, gays hanging from lampposts and non-muslims prosecuted. Freedom?? Check! Oh to be young and dumb again.

  11. I swear, these people see a jew and their vision just goes red with fury. The Gaza conflict is just a cover for their hatred.

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