Trump Supporters Are Ready to Subvert the 2024 General Election By Refusing to Certify the Election at the Local Level

Trump Supporters Are Ready to Subvert the 2024 General Election By Refusing to Certify the Election at the Local Level

Posted by GradientDescenting

  1. Marc Elias, founder of Democracy Docket, talks with Rachel Maddow about how Donald Trump supporters are implementing a strategy of embedding themselves in the administrative side of the election so they can subvert the certification of the election if the outcome is not in Trump’s favor.

  2. This is their big plan that they think they’re keeping secret like project 2025.


  3. yeah yeah whatever. little county official jerkoffs cant prevent a presidential election from ultimately being certified.

  4. And they’ve learned from their 60+ lost election cases which “evidence” they have to manufacture.

  5. What I’ve been saying for months — it doesn’t matter who gets the most votes at all, or even electorally. They’re going to try and declare Trump the winner

  6. Sounds about right. They are the victims here so they should be able to commit illegal acts of fraud in order to stop the imaginary fraud that has not even happened yet and probably won’t happen. #WhiteNarcissisticSociopathLivesMatter

  7. Didn’t Ratskin just say he would not certify election with help of democrats if trump was elected….funny how dems accuse trump of doing exactly what they are doing

  8. I really wish the current administration would act on this publicly, drag it out into the spotlight.

  9. Trump took a 18.5 million dollar bribe from bitfinex. This is now the largest scam in human history….

  10. Not to mention the segment at the end of this show about how Trump was paid $10 million by Egypt.. the biggest presidential scandal in history that was suppressed by Bill Barr.

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