Temples burnt, houses attacked: How Hindus have become soft targets in Bangladesh

Temples burnt, houses attacked: How Hindus have become soft targets in Bangladesh


Posted by I_hate_my_userid

  1. Well it looks like it’s over. PM fled. New government getting formed. Anarchy simmering down. Hopefully whatever attacks there are stop. Cross my fingers I guess.

  2. These are done by the ex governments goons to create decision in our society we are doing everything we can to protect this places ourselves since we don’t have an active police force now.

    Remember they aren’t only burning templates but our other critical infrastructure as well.

    If you actually live in Bangladesh you’d know that students even from Mandarasa are staying awake trying to protect minorities.

    Only a handful of people are trying to take advantage of this situation.

  3. Government: Protests must stop! The prime minister has fled the country. Army will take over. Things will become better.

    People: lets attack Hindus, it’s all their fault!

    Why do people think like that?

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