I am a poor billionaire who wants to see these peasants fighting with their own people to death…is that too much to ask🥹🥹🥹

I am a poor billionaire who wants to see these peasants fighting with their own people to death…is that too much to ask🥹🥹🥹

by AccurateGrand276

  1. It is very fitting that this guy made himself #1 at Twitter.

    Kind of like buying yourself in as president of the League of Very Regarded Gentlemen

  2. Guy has been thoroughly yankified. The term “*European* civil war” already gets my gears to a halt.

  3. What is the point in being a miserable billionaire if you can’t make sure the poors are more miserable?

  4. Imagine how the third English civil war will be taught in schools in a century.

    “The first and the second civil wars were over powers of the parliament and the crown as well as religious tension.”

    “The third civil war was caused by rich people stealing all the tax money and blaming foreign people for there being no services. Half the country believed them and started burning down significant buildings, the other half weren’t morons and tried to stop them.”

  5. African immigrant in the U.S. is not western europe content. Even if he is from the part of africa where they speak even funnier Dutch.

  6. Wait, European civil war? Wouldn’t that just be a regular war? Or am I misremembering what those terms mean?

  7. White guy from South Africa says that too many brown people are immigrating to Europe.

  8. We have done civil war before should we try discourteous war. Let’s see how it feels

  9. Hes South African so he probably has a lot of resentment against the British Government.

  10. I’m not a fan of the term civil war, but it’s been too long since the great nations of Europe have fought each other. Someone needs to give Germany a good beating once again, just for the heck of it

  11. It’s clear: being a billionaire doesn’t prevent you saying dumbest things


  12. Why do these re#ards think Europeans are a monolith when I can’t even stand the methheads who live three doors from my hovel (they’re my best customers but just don’t loik them)

  13. The rich fucking bust a nut at these racial tension shit (especially an Afrikaner at that), means we’re too busy hating people in our comparatively same social class than hating the fuckers with the boot on our collective throats.

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