Russian soldier survives many drone dropped grenade strikes but is eventually eliminated after a total of 16 grenades were dropped in half an hour.

Russian soldier survives many drone dropped grenade strikes but is eventually eliminated after a total of 16 grenades were dropped in half an hour.

by Evening_Run_8536

  1. It’s like that Willem Defoe scene in Platoon except with drones instead of NVA.

  2. With the amount of videos I’ve seen of guys dropping from drone drops 5+ yards away, it’s a miracle this guy this lasted as long as he did, some of those were right fuckin next to him.

  3. Like playing battleship.

    A 4. Miss!

    C 7. Miss

    E 5. Agh! You sunk my Blyattleship!

  4. It is impressive the endurance of this dude. Considering how close some of them landed he probably endured that due to pure adrenaline.

    Also, i’m always curious to see the Khorne symbol there and I also noticed that there is a Khorne group un Ukranie…

  5. Dude was so hungry from supply problems he was happy to eat the first 15 grenades.

  6. Damn, guy got hit at least 3 times and stayed on his feet. Man wanted to live.

  7. This is why I’m saying, gravity-bombing is not efficient. They usually don’t show us all the misses. More precision is needed. Small rockets, grenade launchers, or guided bombs are the future. Something like this would be much more efficient – [](

  8. And this is what we usually don’t see. All the drone drops that aren’t successful wouldn’t be posted usually. The survivorship bias in action here.

    Meaning, Ukraine needs 16 times more hardware than we think they need!

  9. I’m always impressed by the determination Ukrainians demonstrate in ridding their country of invaders. It’s nothing less than admirable.

  10. Sometimes it’s one of those thing where you think they’d go “alright, let this guy live, he’s a champ and lucky”

  11. I’ve seen a lot of these videos but this one just seems unusually cruel, I get war is nasty but that guy was hopelessly doing everything he could to escape just to have another one dropped in front of him over and over again

  12. * Lot of drones for just one guy

    * Zig zagging probably kept him alive for a bit but damn tiring

    Just some observations

  13. I can respect his fight for survival to live. Seems to be a rare attribute among Russian troops. Many russian troops “atleast from the videos posted” seem to just check out or give up on life once injured.

    Its to bad he dint put all that fight and energy into avoiding going to Invade Ukraine. He would have still been alive. Shrug😑 on to the next one.

  14. Why do they spend so many grenades on these poor sods that already ate a few? Just to be good guys and end their misery? Or no valid targets nearby? Surely a person crippled by shrapnel in this way would never return to the battlefield anyway and, if rescued, would consume quite a bit of medical resources..?

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