Harris nominiert Walz zum Vizepräsidenten

Harris nominiert Walz zum Vizepräsidenten


  1. Solid pick. He’ll give Harris more union support and to my knowledge, this guy pretty much has no baggage.

  2. Yeeeeehawwwww!

    I cannot wait for Walz to destroy Vance at their debate. Assuming that Vnace doesn’t back out like Trump the coward.

  3. Good to have a solid mid westerner on her team. Now let’s work to make sure they win in November.

  4. It does bother me that Shapiro was likely overlooked because they are worried about Muslims in Michigan

  5. Probably the strongest possible ticket the dems could have put up, doesn’t alienate any faction with the Democrat party.

    What is interesting is that democrats are portraying Kamala as the moderate because of how left walz is, despite the fact that she is pretty progressive from her own record. If they win, we will see the one of the most progressive presidencies in us history.

    If they can push people who only vote for president into local elections, dems may be able to create a fair Supreme Court

  6. How long until the progressive hamasniks come out of the woodwork to say how much they actually like Shapiro and how he’s a wonderful governor and the blatant hit job on him totally wasn’t antisemitic?

  7. Can’t wait to see him debate Vance. Their similarities and differences ought to create some friction.

  8. So far the main republicans attacks against him are:
    – he didn’t stop the George Floyd protests

    – he advocated for free school lunches (communism)

    – and he had a dui in 1995

    He has also advocated for red flag laws that would seize the guns of people deemed dangerous, but the right hasn’t learned that yet.

  9. This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4789021-kamala-harris-vp-tim-walz-minnesota/amp/) reduced by 81%. (I’m a bot)
    > Vice President Harris has chosen Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz to be her running mate as she heads toward a November faceoff against former President Trump, according to two sources familiar.

    > Walz was governor of Minnesota during the riots that followed the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis, and Republicans are certain to highlight images of that tumultuous time.

    > Harris and Walz will storm battleground states this week, starting Tuesday evening in Philadelphia.

    [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/1eli4jw/harris_picks_walz_for_vp/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ “Version 2.02, ~691883 tl;drs so far.”) | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr “PM’s and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.”) | *Top* *keywords*: **Harris**^#1 **Walz**^#2 **Republican**^#3 **President**^#4 **Minnesota**^#5

  10. I really like this guy. He’s such a good speaker and you can just tell has a good take on various issues as he breaks them down. He also has a real talent for exposing how idiotic some of the views from Republicans are, because after all, Republican policy is meant to benefit the rich yet is sold in really asinine ways as some kind of benefit to all.

  11. He’s both “safe” and progressive. Which is a difficult balance to strike.

  12. He’s an Army vet and that will help him rip Trump and Vance apart snd already Vets for Walz is trending

  13. I find it interesting that the anti-Israel far left didn’t want Shapiro because of his pro-Israel position (according to them), but Walz is also pro-Israel and they want him. I wonder if the real reason they didn’t like Shapiro is because he’s Jewish. The far left has been infested with anti-Semitism so its plausible that this was the reason they hate Shapiro.

  14. They did it! Kamala and team resisted the urge to pick Shapiro despite his larger public/online recognition, she made the right call (not that Shapiro would have been disastrous, just Walz is a step above as a communicator).

  15. The safest choice imo. shapiro’s baggage ended up being too much the last week. While he helps a lot in PA, he had too much risk. At worst Walz doesnt hurt Harris whatsoever.

  16. I read an article that a guy – months ago bought up all the Harris/Walz 2024 website domains. Good for him / it’s the American way.

  17. Was hoping for Mark Kelly, I wanted to watch them contort themselves into saying astronauts aren’t heroes

    Edit: brain fart meant to say Mark Kelly not Tim Kelly lmao

  18. This worries me. Not a lot, but a little. Walz is fine. But Kelly was the only one capable of acting as a circuit breaker on current status quo American political polarisation. The potential value was not just winning one swing state but potentially all of them. And I feel like Democrats aren’t thinking big enough. There’s a difference between “politician tried to talk to me today” energy and “honey I met a fucking astronaut today” energy that makes even the opposition base fanboy. Harris and Kelly would have been unstoppable together.

  19. “How often in 100 days do you get to change the trajectory of the world? How often in 100 days do you get to do something that’s going to impact generations to come? [And how often in the world do you make that bastard wake up afterwards and know that a Black woman kicked his ass, sent him on the road?](https://youtube.com/watch?v=I3NIwzVwgQ8&t=141)”

  20. I think the “weird” comments from Walz actually sticking got him the nomination.   It’s tough to make anything stick to Trump because there’s so much nonsense that it all blends together but he really struck a nerve.  If Walz and Vance have a debate it’s going to a pretty wild contrast too 

  21. Walz has done a fantastic job in Minnesota. We will miss him but he is an excellent VP pick.

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