Ukrainian forces are trying to enter to two city’s right next to the Russian border.

Ukrainian forces are trying to enter to two city’s right next to the Russian border.

by Physical-Cut-2334

  1. At least their women and children will be safe from being raped, tortured and being shot in a basement.

  2. Was it Egypt and who? who was in a conflict years ago? One part invaded the other and in return the other part invaded an area of the same size. The negotiation ended with going back to default.

    This scenario is possible

  3. Just another cross border raid I guess. Or a diversion. We can just wait and see what happens.

  4. I wish them all the best but without the West’s approval to use western weapons in Russia, it’s just a diversion. I’m just mind blown on how unfair this war is with Ukraine having to proverbially fight with one hand behind it’s back: “You can use our weapons but only in Ukraine.”, “When Russian invaders retreat behind the border and show you the finger, you are to do nothing.”

  5. What a complete and utter waste of manpower and lives. Benefits nobody, definitely doesn’t benefit Ukraine to take objectives they physically won’t be able to hold and supply. They should be all in on the defensive and bleed Russia dry.

  6. Really hope they made great progress so orcs need to divert their forces concentrating near Toretsk, the situation there is not really good

  7. I bet they have a better idea on how to counter Russias helicopters, that was one of the main barriers to success in the ’23 counteroffensive

  8. Are we talking regular troops, sabotage groups or something like the freedom legion? Interesting in any case, probably Russia wouldn’t have much to protect its own land since most of the firepower is wasted for invading their neighbours.

  9. A bit hard for Russia to push the front line if they are busy trying to defend their own towns.

  10. I’m pro Ua but I feel like these resources could be used elsewhere like the potorvosk direction where it’s badly needed

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