“They have not said a single word against the war.” – Gold Medalist Yaroslava Mahuchikh speaks about Russian athletes in the Olympics.

"The Olympic Games are about peace, and all wars always stop for the period of the Olympics. But Russia did not stop, and during these games, there were massive attacks on Ukrainian cities. So how can a terrorist be allowed to participate in a competition about peace?", she said.


by vectorix108

  1. Absolutely right. All you hear from Russian athletes is self-pity and statements about how difficult it is to take part in the Olympics under these circumstances.

  2. So much for all that nonsense about “good Ruzzzzzians”!!! The overwhelming majority of Ruzzzzzians SUPPORT the war!! Every month, there are over 25,000 new “good Ruzzzzzians “, voluntarily going to Ukraine to kill Ukrainians!! Ruzzzzzia is a TERRORIST STATE!!!

  3. Ruzzzzzian Opposition member Vladimir Kara Murza recently stated upon his release from Ruzzzzzia, that sanctions should not be applied to “regular” Ruzzzzzians. Vladimir, did atleast 1 Ruzzzzzian athlete condemn the Ruzzzzzian war in Ukraine?? No sir, not one!! Ruzzzzzia has killed over 478 young aspiring Ukrainian athletes!! Ruzzzzzia should NOT be allowed to compete, or even be present in France for the Olympics!!

  4. Well, if they say anything, it is either defect or return to Russia for a seven year prison sentence. So, I get that part, but if they actually did the right thing they would say something.

  5. Ive been pro Ukraine ever since the war started and still am but these are absolutely dumb statements.
    Sure, I also wish russia wouldn’t participate in the Olympics and they shouldn’t be allowed to participate due to basic common sense.

    But russia is imprisoning anyone daring to say anything bad about russia. Their families and their own lives are at stake.

    When you have a dictator who can easily throw you over the window, your principles means nothing. You don’t risk your life for your beliefs. Basic survival.

    Pretty sure the biggest chunk of russians whish harm on the ukrainians or that the war would end in russia’s favor, but many russians are afraid to speak freely because they fear they will get imprisoned or killed.

    Want to know their actual beliefs?Talk yo them in private.
    But don’t expect them to commit suicide and state something publicly in the media because that’s purely dumb.

    Many russians are against the war, even if its just 10% of them so let’s not start a vendeta and hate speech against all russians.

  6. Not only their athletes, but even the recently swapped political prisoners Kara-Murz and Yashin didn’t speak against war. Even more, they wanted sanctions removed because “the ordinary citizens don’t support war”. They might not speak against it, but they absolutely don’t mind Russia being at war with Ukraine as long as they themselves don’t have to die in it.

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