I think you should stop Rioting Barry…

I think you should stop Rioting Barry…

by AccurateGrand276

  1. This is the most perfect example of these bellends. Far from the proud patriotic defenders of Christendom and Britishness, they are actually just a load of people riled up by Twitter and Facebook memes that have decided the solution is to get pissed, shout racist slogans and steal phones from their local high street.

    This guy has gotten so pissed a light tap puts him on his arse and he’s then unable to stand up, yet when he crawls back to his shithole of a flat, in his mind he will forever be a lion saving Britain. Cunt.

  2. I have a Greatshield build like that in Elden Ring, makes the entire DLC super easy.

  3. That’s pretty funny. He thought his boomer powers made him invulnerable. Nay.

  4. Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered, a sword day, a red day, ere last orders is called.

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