Share of European households owning at least one dog

Share of European households owning at least one dog

by theworldmaps

  1. One of the few posts that shows Hungary in good light lol.

    Btw, it seems strange that dogs are comparatively uncommon in Switzerland. Is there a reason for this?

  2. I always knew that the dog Ownership is high but damn never thought that it is so high. I hate it though

  3. I feel like the percentage should be higher than it actually is – not many dog owners are registered.

  4. Would be interesting to see percentage of European dog owners that keep their dogs in a chain outdoor. Portugal has too many of this horrible practice.

  5. I guess Paris would be high if you looked at cities, since I always see dogs around in the city.

  6. I think there are too many dogs in Sweden. But considering the map I might live in the right country.

  7. I remember seeing a sign on the door of a British house: “A home without a dog is just a house”.

    Brits love dogs!

  8. Imagine all the early spring poop in Poland, right after the last snow melts. It’s an experience.

  9. I like how they moved iceland, just to have it as a no-data country. Also curious what the numbers for cyprus would be. I was in the eastern part of Cyprus and there were 100s of street dogs (all chipped and well behaved). But I wonder how many people actually have dogs, or they just ‘own’ a few dogs with the neightbourhood.

  10. The numbers are clearly too high. Maybe it reffers to “Households that have EVER owned a dog”

  11. Rest of Europe: ☹
    Hungary, Poland, Romania, Czechia and Portugal: sit down, good boa

  12. Guess I’m gonna move to Turkey, I can’t stand dogs, I prefer mosquitoes or ticks over dogs

  13. Serbia is not determined because they don’t have a darker than 50% colour on the scale or what? Dogs everywhere, just everywhere 😅

  14. I feel that ‘dogs per capita’ would be better because different countries have different household sizes, in the UK and nordics its more common for young people to leave aged 18, in Italy kids often stay at home until 30.

  15. Really dislike this new trend of social rejects walking around with their increasingly dysgenic pitbull mutts

    I really thought it was niche, especially since the breed has been banned in a number of countries already, but it’s like they’re everywhere in any major city now, and has been getting worse for 2/3 years

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