Universities Scotland: Positive news on #SQAResults day as the number of Scots accepted at Scottish institutions increases by 6%, and those from the most disadvantaged 20% seeing an 12% rise in gaining a place compared to 2023 – a record high from 2015.

Universities Scotland: Positive news on #SQAResults day as the number of Scots accepted at Scottish institutions increases by 6%, and those from the most disadvantaged 20% seeing an 12% rise in gaining a place compared to 2023 – a record high from 2015.

by bottish

  1. This is good news, and I hope it really underlines that an approach to widening participation needs to start early and it needs to be continuous as young people go through the education system – if you’re starting these sorts of schemes at S5 or S6, it’s already far too late because a fair chunk of students will have already mentally written off university even if it could be really beneficial for them.

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