Ukrainian troops moving Russian prisoners of war in the Kursk oblast

Ukrainian troops moving Russian prisoners of war in the Kursk oblast

by jimmehi

  1. So what’s happening here? Has Ukraine realized that Russia’s deployment has left huge chunks of it’s bordering territory undefended and ripe for the taking?

  2. Honestly, at some points the russians should notice that the get fed lies all the time, first they are told theres a offensive to stabilize the border and create a buffer zone that prevents ukraine to do their excursions to Kursk and Belgorod and what happened?

    Lots of material and lives wasted, barely any ground gained and ukraine is back in russia taking prisonders… well if that aint a sucessfull buffer zone…

  3. Ukraine should stick to being in a defensive position considering the manpower problem. These small incursions into Russian territory are a waste of equipment.

  4. How shit are Russia’s border forces? Ukraine literally keeps launching raids into Russian cities, hitting key infrastructure and then as fast as they came in they’re gone. I can’t think of a single instance where Russia has successful conducted similar operations against Ukraine. And the hilarious thing is that most of these border raids are concentrated in the same region meaning Russia is either failing to adequately adapt to these raids or aren’t even bothering to counter them at all.
    At this rate I wouldn’t be surprised if Ukraine starts to occupy Russian territories, hell I’d love it if they did since it would be a major bargaining chip in a peace deal where Russia returns ALL of Ukraine’s rightful land.

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