I haven’t lived in Germany ever and yet somehow I have a power bill account with Lekker?

I haven’t lived in Germany ever and yet somehow I have a power bill account with Lekker?

by 80nd0

  1. I just want to add clarification that this is an official email that is sent to me and they seem to have all my information. I live in the US and don’t understand how they would have gotten my information. Is there a way to ask them under the GDPR even if I’m not a resident of Germany to delete my data?

  2. I’d kindly explain that you have no contract with them and that you’re under no obligation to do anything from your point of view. also ask them to provide the contract and if they can’t, ask them to delete your data.

    also, note that this Email says to not anwer to it directly so you’d have to find another contact.

  3. If they have a contact-form write them, tell them the “Kundennummer”, “Zählernummer” and the Adress, that they somehow got the wrong e-mail adress (I don’t know how if you never got a confirmation mail for the contract and to create the account), that they should heck their system, write the person per physical mail (if possible) and to delete your data.

  4. Probably someone with the same or very similar name as you made an account with them and mistyped his email address.

  5. Your data has probably been stolen and is used in a scam. Do not click on that link, contact their customer support via their website which you access via google and ask what’s going on here. This is either just a scam e-mail using data they stole from somewhere or someone is committing identify theft and created an account with your data

    No matter what, you need to take care of your online security.

  6. I had a similar situation where someone put in my email address for a phone contract in some city quite away from me in Germany. Trying to reach these companies via their customer care is usually useless.

    The right way to solve this is to write to their GDPR data protection email address, and tell them your personal data is being misused and someone made a mistake, and ask them to remove it. That gets their immediate attention somewhere in the compliance office, not in the call center.

    For lekker, you can find the email contact here: https://www.lekker.de/datenschutz

  7. That company is legit and this is how their mailings usually look. Maybe someone has an email similar to yours and made a mistake?
    I get my power from those guys and they’re quite nice. Just drop them some lines that there has been a mistake.
    In case that’s a very well made phishing attempt: kundenservice@lekker.de

  8. Edit: I just read, you’re in Duisburg. Sorry. Lekker is not responsible for Grundversorgung there, that’s Stadtwerke Duisburg.

    Contact lekker – it’s probably a scam.

    If you live in or the building / flat or else supplied with energy is located in Heinsberg, lekker may be the „Grundversorger“ responsible. I’m unsure, of lekker is also grundversoger in other cities.

    Grundversorgung means, the company supplying the most customers in one area with electricity is responsible to supply every customer that didn’t make a contract with any specific supplier.

    So if you recently moved, you may automatically have entered into a contract with lekker by consuming energy at your location.

    Anyway – contact their customer service for clarification.

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