Share of European households owning at least one cat

Share of European households owning at least one cat

by theworldmaps

  1. So it seems that Croatia / Ireland / Slovakia / Spain are cat haters!


  2. That seems like total bullshit regarding Poland honestly.

    Or they count every semi_field cat that lives in the countryside in this stat

  3. Step one: train the people only to consume

    Step two: infiltrate adults with the news

    Step three: indoctrinate the children through the schools, and the music and the apps on the phones that they use

    Step four: separate the right from the left

    Step five: separate the white from the rest

    Step six: separate the rich from the poor

    Step seven: separate the men from the women, use religion and equality to separate them more

    Step eight: fabricate a problem, make a lie

    Step nine: put it on the news every night

    Step ten: when people start to fight and divide take control, make a profit

  4. Romania has so many cats since a ton of dogs are on the streets. If all the stray dogs had owners in Romania they would for sure pass cats.

  5. First the dog one then the cat one

    Well for me its literally, why not both?
    I have 2 cats and 2 dogs lol.

  6. In Turkey is kind of different. People tend to look after cats in their gardens, stores, parks etc. Second of all i think percentage is still low for households. Like most people I know or don’t know have cats in their houses.

  7. Nope, those stats are far from correct. According to those maps 49% households in Poland own a dog and 41% own a cat, which leaves only 10% without either (maybe a couple % more, considering some households have both), which is definitely not true. People in Poland do love pets, but households without one are definitely way above 20%.

  8. I wonder why Romania has so many households with either cats or dogs. It makes no sense to me why those percentages are as high as they are.

  9. The title should have been about households owned by cats and not the other way around. No one owns a cat – at least not in my experience… 🙂

  10. I have a cat, and almost all my neighbours have a cat or a dog. Sometimes both a cat and a dog. Sometimes several cats or several dogs. There is one neighbour who doesn’t have an animal at all, but he’s a strange one.

  11. Both this and the dog one has to have a catch when making a list.

    How do you define a household? Nuclear family with children or do you count single people living alone as one.

    I’m from Romania and there is no way we have that many pets. Just in my neighborhood of hundreds of apartments I think there are 20 dogs.

    People have dogs in rural areas but no one gets papers fore those so how did they get their data?

  12. Cats keep pests away. Smaller homes favor cat distribution system too. We simply dont have the space for dogs in our communist flats.

  13. My father user to say we have cats in the streets when i asked for one in Lithuania xD

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