Is it just me or has Trump gotten more weird since JD hopped in the wagon?

I mean we all know how Trump ranked on the weirdometer before he found a running mate.

And maybe it's just me but; I swear to North Korea he's gone straight down the weird rabbit hole. I can't believe his MAGA base is still Putin up with all this nonsense. Or maybe they're not? It'd be nice to see them all Russian to the polls for Kamala. #CrimeaRiver

Posted by Playful_Garbage5294

  1. Nope. He’s been this guy. JD just brings it out of him, much like a couch does for JD.

  2. It’s because Vance’s weirdness is making headlines, and Trump is DESPERATE for constant attention so he got jealous and is acting up to take the spotlight back.

  3. He hasn’t gotten more weird. People are just paying attention more since old Joe is out of the race.

  4. You mean the guy that suggested nuking a hurricane might be weird? Or injecting sunlight into the lungs?

  5. What’s so weird about a guy who wears eyeliner and loves his couch? Be careful where you sit, I think I’ll just stand.

  6. His dementia is accelerating and he’s feeling panicked about his election prospects

  7. He doesn’t actually want to be president. He just wants to stay out of prison and fleece whoever is left to be fleeced

  8. They’re both weird and bat shit crazy. A room for 2 at Bellevue, please. Padded walls requested.

  9. A few years ago, trump went on the Wendy Williams show. Ivanka made an appearance, and they played a game. “What is your favorite thing you have in common,” was the first question.

    “Real Estate and golf,” the over-veneered daughter said with a smile, as she looked at her father. The host looked to Donald.

    “Well I was going to say sex!”

    Republicans, what the fuck?

  10. It’s hard to quantify weirdness, JD has definitely helped but how much, that is the question.

  11. I think Harris stepping in around the time JD was chosen has led in a decline in polling. Cowards lash out when desperate and show their weirdness more then.

  12. The Vance pick was a bad pick. He doubles down on being aggressive and weird, and when he gets made fun of for being weird the only response he has is to double down. His only strategy now is to fire up his crazy base by being crazier and crazier. He has no governing theory. He has no platform.

  13. Vance was a poor choice but it has little to do with Trump’s ongoing deterioration.

  14. He knows Vance is hurting him. I also don’t think Trump actually got to pick Vance. He was told by the power brokers and donors who his running mate would be. Probably because they know Trump won’t go four years and they want an easily manipulated puppet in the wings.

  15. I’m trying to think how the “alleged” couch fucker is beneficial to turmp’s campaign and I’m just drawing a blank.

  16. No, he was always this weird. It’s just the news media needs the clicks and controversy and overlooks it, because otherwise a race with a candidate who is a known rapist and convicted business fraud criminal wouldn’t even be close. Not too long ago, he would’ve had to drop out of the race, but the GOP is totally pwned by Putin these days, it seems.

  17. he’s literally a blank canvas in terms of policies and moral flexibility. JD Vance and Theil just keep bringing him to the weird crypto and neofeudalism guys as much as Stephen Miller keeps bringing him to neo nazi events

  18. I remember the 2016 campaign, and the years since, Trump hasn’t gotten any weirder, the media just has a harder time of trying to hide it. They did a really good job last time of humanizing him and cutting away from all of his weird talk. But he wasn’t fully in charge of the RNC and the GOP at that time. Now he and his family run the whole thing, he’s the head of the GOP. And he likes to be seen, you can only hide him so much once he gets too big. And all the people covering him, they’ve since been replaced by sycophants who don’t see a problem.

  19. If JD Vance called Trump Hitler several years ago, maybe he’s taking one for the team and letting everyone see him as a nutjob while doing everything he can to amplify Trumps weirdness to prevent Hitler from getting reelected.

  20. I don’t think it’s Vance. I think it’s Harris. He sees what he saw as an easy win beginning to slip out of reach and the meltdown has begun.

  21. His energy is so low the last three weeks. Ever since the convention he’s giving off a real loser energy like he doesn’t even want to be there anymore.

  22. His base:

    They were calling him a coward on his own social media, regarding the abc debate. They’ve criticized JD for being married to a not-white.

    However, I don’t think he’s _actually_ going to lose many of them.

  23. I think he’s losing ground so he’s becoming more and more defensive, which is making him more and more weird, which is losing him more ground, ect ect. He’s too stupid/narcissitic to break the cycle and then just doubles down.

    A vicious cycle

  24. Trump is going through massive buyer’s remorse at this point. Vance is doing two things that trump does not like:

    1. Getting more headlines than trump

    2. Getting bad headlines

    A running mate should be additive to the campaign. However Vance is not adding anything, he is simply garnering attention in all the wrong places.

    This has to make trump doubly angry.

  25. A crazy old man with dementia + a couch fucker? Yeah, I don’t see how this formula wouldn’t add to the weird factor.

  26. Just saw today that Vance was a part of a book that calls progressives “unhuman ”. Where they should be eliminated because they are “unhuman ” … this is beyond weird.
    This is off the charts insane.

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