Think of the Children.

Think of the Children.

by srslywatsthepoint

  1. Children are our precious future! Let’s protect them from danger, teach them kindness, and show them the magic of the world.

  2. If it wasn’t for 14 years of immigration culture wars by the previous government talking about invasion and support for a multitude of conspiracy theories and racist behaviours by Spaffer in chief

  3. I saw a clip on LBC earlier. This man from Essex said he drove 5 hours to the Middlesbrough to “protest” to protest against black and Asian people because apparently 95% of them are causing the riots. When asked where he got this information from, he just said “the internet” 😬.

    I don’t understand why so many people immediately believe everything they read online. Critical thinking should be taught in schools so people learn to think and be like hmmm what is this source? Is it biased or untrustworthy?

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