A Russian KA-52 was downed in Kursk

A Russian KA-52 was downed in Kursk

by jimmehi

  1. This are the news I want to hear. A fucking KA-52 is ten times better than seeing some old kamaz trucks burning on the street.

  2. Hard for me to celebrate this too much when it came at the cost of a Ukrainian BUK launcher and radar.

  3. Id say the BUKS losses are worth it if they are true if RUZ losses continue like this.

  4. Muscovites- welcome to 1% of the sh*t you’ve done to Ukraine. Hope they get all of Rostov, Kursk and Belgorad! As I always say, Slava Ukraine and Glory to the heroes!

  5. That’s been a while, after the initial losses they kept them at range and don’t think they’ve been shot down for a long time, at least not reported.

    If they lost a Ka-52 again it must mean they’re seriously caught off guard.

    These actions are risky but it’s obvious Russia is not good at responding to anything, but usually just very slowly adapting.

  6. So they *did* bring manpads. Must be an incredible rush getting into position and bring one of these down…

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