Met police launch new inquiry into Murdoch newspapers

Met police launch new inquiry into Murdoch newspapers

by Prospect_UK

  1. Long overdue. The damage his paper group has done is immense and they broke a lot of laws over the years.

  2. I don’t think there are many(if any) people who’ve done more harm to this country over the last few decades than Murdoch, he is scum personified.

  3. Perfect time for it, we just had an election. Time we put a stop to these media barons intervening in our country politics.

  4. Unfortunately what I expect to happen is whoever is doing the inquiry is going to have their house and everyone they knows houses fitted with spy cameras and their name dragged through the dirt publicly and mercilessly with whatever they can find while every single person in a position of power ignores it so they do not receive the same treatment.

    Then no one else will take on the job.

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