Progressive values versus conservative values

Progressive values versus conservative values

Posted by LordWexford

  1. I never thought I would live to see the day when the eternal fight between the left and right became a literal fight between good and evil

  2. Sarah “Colonel” Huckleberry Sanders, creating the next generation of uneducated, uniformed GOP voters. I’m sure they’ll acquire the requisite critical thinking skills they’ll need in adulthood working 3rd shift at the Tyson meatpacking plant.

  3. “Yay, free lunch for all the children so they’ll do better in school!”


    “Smile you little peasant pukes, you’re going raise some oligarch’s shareholder value through backbreaking work in slaughterhouses, sawmills and by harvesting crops in the hot sun, like in some fucked up Dickens novel.”

  4. Accurate meme.

    I’m not sorry to say this but elected republicans are just plain evil.

  5. She didn’t legalise child slavery. She legalised child labor. Which was outlawed because children kept losing their limbs, their eyes, and their life. It’s a mystery why you lie when the truth is equally deplorable.

  6. the blond in the bottom picture staring smugly at the misery of children perfectly encapsulates the modern GOP

  7. Sanders can’t see a bright future for anyone. Not because of her politics, but because she is a one eyed cyclops with no depth perception.

  8. Kids need to be protected by policy so that the PRIVATE INDUSTRY doesn’t exploit them. I’m not saying kids can’t or shouldn’t work if they want to, that’s not what I’m fundamentally saying. What I am saying is that we need to not trust the PRIVATE INDUSTRY to do what’s best for people when it has been demonstrated time and time and time and time and time and time and time again that they don’t *generally* care until you make them. I got my first job at 16 working a gas station, pretty dangerous all things considered but safe in my city. It was a good learning experience that gave me some responsibility. I don’t think we should go any lower than that.

    The issue is, the right doesn’t even want to debate or make concessions to the issue. They just look at what liberals want and choose the opposite of that. It’s the contrarian mindset if it were a fucking plague.

  9. How do you go To another state and realize your taxes and expenses are the same and you’re getting less and still go red?

  10. “FaMiLy VaLuEs!” The Conservative definition:
    “Value your kid’s earnings working for a Company’s higher profit margin instead of learning anything that would improve their lot in life”

  11. Sanders:

    “A bowl of oatmeal poured into a Lane Bryant pantsuit with a strip mall haircut who gets paid to lie.”

  12. It’s like those kids are dressed for the funeral of their childhood innocence.

  13. Yeah, the infinite growth way of thinking is not a happy one. They already want to take advantage of more people by increasing retirement age as well.

    Soon it will be like “allowing our employees to use stimulants as an alternative to sleep means they have more hours in the day to work”

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