MAGA Erupts In Contradicting Rage Over Harris VP Pick: ‘She’s Not Going to Win’

MAGA Erupts In Contradicting Rage Over Harris VP Pick: ‘She’s Not Going to Win’

MAGA Erupts In Contradicting Rage Over Harris VP Pick: ‘She’s Not Going to Win’

Posted by inewser

  1. Eating lots and lots of copium over there on the right. I’m sure it’s delicious.

  2. Ah yes, because being helping to feed hungry kids is considered radical socialism

  3. So many people are tired of his same song and dance. It never changes. Harris will take the country forward, not backwards.

  4. > Fox News and New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz also voiced her frustration on X, saying, “Neighborliness killed members of my family,” in response to Walz’s selection.

    Dude, wut? Did Mr. Rogers slit her children’s throats?

  5. Because Trump’s not running on personal attacks and fear mongering, and really telling us how he’s going to execute all the promises he’s spewing right?

  6. The fact that the Republicans are saying she should have picked Josh Shapiro just goes to prove she shouldn’t have picked him.

  7. If he’s so bad , then why all the weirdo rage . These twerps make no sense whatsoever.

  8. The moderate GOP members who went full trump are backpedaling along with the Supreme Court too. They know it is over and better to distance themselves from this train wreck in history.

  9. “This makes me mad because it’s so great for Trump who I 100% support. She should never have done this because it’s going to make my favorite candidate win. And I’m furious about it!”

    -the GOP

    By contrast, I was literally thrilled with Trump’s pick. And I thank him daily for giving the nod to the Temu-Hillbilly.

  10. They can see what’s coming they can’t come up with any solid dirt on either of these people and it drives them crazy. All the democrats have to do is just keep up talking policies and throwing out zingers like felon, sexual abuser, fraud, marital cheater,traitor,insurrectionist damn I can’t even think of all the shit that can be flung on Trump and the couch man. Their ship is a sinking one! Let’s go!

  11. I really didn’t know anything about the man until just a few days ago. It strikes me that he wants to help the common people not the billionaire class.

  12. Walz will help us mobilize young voters, the voters that don’t even exist yet. Those are the voters that put Obama over the top. My family are already focusing on voter enrollment campaigns on college campuses near us, targeting the progressive student groups.

  13. The more I see MAGA cult members freak out over the Harris – Walz ticket the more excited and hopeful I become…👍

  14. They wanted someone who would divide the democrats. Shapiro would have caused cracks, and there is no arguing that fact. It’s real. They thought the Dems were going to pick a moderate, because they were ready to re-use the Bernie arguments from 2016, that the be party took progressives for granted, again.

    Also, winning moderates? Trump went right with Vance, not centrist. The middle is now wide open. A balding, football coaching, gun owning veteran is not the vision of progressive that Americans have. Republicans painted a picture of a blue haired basket weaving major as the template of a progressive. Not a farmer.

  15. >“He sat back while the rioters that Kamala would bail out burned down a city,” Greene continued.

    So MTG’s making up a hypothetical situation up in her own mind about what Harris might do if she were president and are getting outraged over her own imagined situation? But Trump has been quoted as saying that he would in fact pardon every single Jan 6th terrorist and I don’t remember seeing MTG’s outrage over that.

    Tbf, both are hypothetical situations. One is MTG’s fake story to get fake outraged by and the other is the sad delusion of a very weird and horrible old man who still imagines himself in the white house one day. The closest he’ll come is the drive through of a White Castle.

    Check your voter registration and then get out and vote. Don’t give those MAGA loyalists any ammunition to cry foul, don’t let it be close. Would love to see an utter domination come election night!

  16. It would not have mattered who she picked, they were prepared to instantly start saying something negative about her choice. She didn’t do it to please the Trumpers, so what does it really matter how they feel.

  17. Unless Her VP humps a couch or she rapes a 13 year old they’ve already won.


  18. #🍊 🐔 💩 

    cowards. rapists. cowardly rapists. 

    MAGA angy! Rawwwr. 

    # #ChickenShitler is a cowardly rapist

  19. I am extremely happy with Walz. He’s exactly what I want in a moderate progressive.

  20. I knew nothing about Tim Walz before all of this but listening to him speak, I’m impressed. I’d be happy to sit on his couch and have a chat. Can’t say the same about JD Vance.

    I don’t care if you’re Republican or American – this has become an interesting race that seems to have energized the blue team tremendously.

    I am here for the snark and the insults and the sarcasm and the memes and anything that embarrasses The Defendant.

  21. Those crybabies would have been mad at anyone they picked. They terrible people.

  22. Yeah the may be in over their skies. Cause if you’re going to claim he’s dangerous left wing and his “neighborly” socialism is evil you have a record to show it… and it shows feeding hungry kids

    Careful GOP you may just get your wish and have him branded a socialist and make America realize you’ve been making them scared of nothing but good government

  23. Is it me or is the entire GQP platform rage, gaslighting, doomerism, and shared misery?

  24. “She’s not going to win.”

    She’s absolutely going to win and they know it. They’re big mad because they know they don’t stand a chance.

  25. The fact that the MAGAs are so pissed off, means that Kamala made a good choice on her VP pick

  26. Former Speaker Newt Gingrich also weighed in on X, saying, “It is amazing that Vice President Harris had a chance to move toward the center, pick her Governor of Pennsylvania whose 19 electoral vogues (sic) could easily be the margin of victory and who is closer to the center than she is and skipped him, in part because of anti-Semitic opposition from the pro-Palestinian wing of the Democratic Party, for a hard left Governor of Minnesota who had been endorsed by Bernie Sanders.”

    Nah, Newt. She skipped Shapiro because of sexual abuse allegations. Funny how those words don’t even register on the right anymore.

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