Humza Yousaf questions future in UK after riots

Humza Yousaf questions future in UK after riots

by GiveIt4Thought

  1. I also have questions, about the ‘gift’ to an institution employing terrorists the day before his parents were released.

  2. He says he is questioning whether he and his family have a future in Scotland, the UK, or even “anywhere within Europe or the West”.

    Not just a scotland/uk thing.

  3. What was he saying during BLM riots? Both absolutely terrible in their own ways.

  4. Will this man just not fuck off , he had his chance to relevant and blow it , crawl away and give us piece 🤡

  5. At least the tories got rid of their truss quickly. Why is this buffoon still here?

  6. Why is r/Scotland a mirror of r/unitedkingdom now? 

    Meh. Same shit, I suppose. 

  7. Hello racists in this thread. How does it feel to know that you are fucking hated by society? The rest of us see you as a cancer that must be purged. Take a look at history and see what happens to fascists; I’ll give you a hint, it’s not pretty.

  8. That makes sense.

    He was very fond of sending our money abroad. He will have made friends.

    That UN organisation that he donated to after a private meeting with their representatives and against his initial civil service advice. The day before his in laws were released from Palestine.

    The one the UN has just found to have members who are involved in Hamas.

    Just as an example- I am sure they can find him a spot.

    Or Erdoğan, genocidal dictator of Turkey- had personal calls with his wife.

    Such lovely people.

    How will we cope.

  9. FFS. Irish immigrants got shit for hundreds of years and the were tough enough to endure it.

    It’s shit but it will pass and the arse droppings will move on to someone else.

    Stop letting the right wing win.

  10. Oh hey, r/Scotland comments reads exactly like a r/unitedkingdom comments section whenever anyone has the audacity to speak about racism. Good to see the Union is alive and well I guess…

  11. I 💬 he has dual Pakistani and UK citizenship.

    He certainly won’t have to be concerned about all the top jobs in the country being filled by White people if he moves to the land of his father.

    Perhaps that was what he was alluding to when musing about nowhere in the West being safe for his family.

    Not sure how his voluble support for LGBT+ would go down, but I guess everything isn’t a bed if roses, regardless of where you lay your hat.

  12. I am so proud of Scotland for having the opposite mentality than England. For example coming out into the streets to stop those immigration raids. The humanity of Scotland is its wealth and it will be a very poor place if that changes.

  13. He loves race-baiting, to be fair. Rather than discuss the root cause of the troubles which are being wrongly attributed to immigration.

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