“Violation of the border”: Russia says it’s sending reserves to Kursk Oblast

“Violation of the border”: Russia says it’s sending reserves to Kursk Oblast

by Espressodimare

  1. And the orcs call the “waaambulance”, hope the orcs get wrecked in their own territory! 🇺🇦💪

  2. What, in war your own territories might become come under attack, who would have thought!?

  3. I think those numbers are still well within the size of the Russian nationals fighting on the Ukrainian side. Those units have crossed the border before…

  4. I love the Pro RU subs when things like this happen because you can see the script changes being handed down in real time.

  5. So they are sending a bunch of untrained neanderthals. Keep some drones on the border and show em what fear looks like. Fuck Poostain and the Orcs!

  6. Hey ruskies, imagine that, someone actually attacked you in the middle of your special ”3- day” military operation!

  7. Don’t expect only good news from this. Ukrainians will die in this. Hopefully many Russian military units, too, such that they get the fuck out of Ukraine (which, spoiler, they won‘t).

  8. Oh noes, what are they going to do now? What if they escalate and invade Ukraine? :O Oh wait, they already opened up with that one years ago.

    I hope Ukraine captures Kursk and keeps it as war reparations.

  9. Ukraine probably needs more land to store all the Russian POW’s that Putin refuses to exchange.

  10. They have reserves? Are these the reserves to the reserves, or the reserves to the reserves to the reserves?

  11. Just call it a ‘special cross border operation.’ I’m sure they’ll understand.

  12. “Violation of the Border” describes ruzzian actions since 2014, when they like, violated the Ukraine border!

  13. They just lost a ka52 in Kursk region it’s going to be an interesting night.

  14. That’s a bad product and a tough sell. Time to dump that narrative back in the privy from which it was pulled.

  15. Cannot wait for the next update on these news. Ruzzian sheeps crying all around

  16. Oh no, how dare Ukraine not respect Russia’s borders in a war Russia started! Does the UN know about this?!

  17. Hey! That’s Russia they have well trained soldiers defending those positions and will immediately stop any and all incursions. We wait patiently for mother Russia to declare victory as always!

  18. Imagine invading your peaceful neighbor and then bitching when they cross your border

  19. Would be nice to attack unprotected Belogrod and then for the Russians to have to raise it to nothing street by street

  20. What border??? All of Ukraine is part of Russia, so the AFU is moving around Russia, as it has been doing from the start! /s

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