Topless sunbathing remains a daring act even for European women

Topless sunbathing remains a daring act even for European women

by Unable-Metal1144

  1. That’s what happens when the female body is constantly being sexualised by all the media we consume.

  2. It’s weird – when I grew up here in Denmark almost no women on the beaches around Copenhagen had tops on. Lots of people, men, women and most kids, where naked. And at least for me as a kid it was very normal and non-sexual. Now, it feels like everything and everybody is hyper-sexualized and people feel so uncomfortable with their bodies.

  3. Can’t do that in Poland, but that’s mainly because we’re still trying to shake off the Katoliban.

    There’s a few nudist beaches scattered around, but that’s it.

  4. I remember that when I was a child (mid 90s) lots of women were topless in the beach. Now almost no one, and the only few are the ones who grew up in the 70-80s. Basically no one under 30 goes now without a top.

  5. No it does not. I have always seen topless women, on the beach, while growing up, wherever I was. Nobody was staring everyone minded their own business

  6. So this article is all about Britain being a bit more prudish than some other places in Europe. Then it goes into a lot of anecdotes for the rest of the article.

    It never mentions once that Britain is a different country to those in the rest of Europe, and what that means. American journalists tend to think they can pick one trait in one country then blast the whole of Europe with a generalisation. Then find more generalisations.

    But no! This isn’t an american puff piece – it’s a french person who wrote it. So I guess it’s an own goal then for the french. Or all of europe? You decide.

  7. Also remaining a daring act—having a topless women pose topless in your article about topless subathing.

  8. From memory as someone born in Denmark in 1990:

    90’s: Everyone topless at the beach. Some nude.

    2000’s: Mostly mid to older women topless. Noone my age.

    2010’s: Very few topless on crowded beaches. It’s a lame mum thing now. Young women only topless on secluded beaches.

    2020’s: Topless on the beach is riding a body positivity wave back to mainstream. Topless is first trendy and then very normal among young women, at least in my area (larger town). 70’s Reloaded.

    (In parallel, winter bathing, which is always nude, has gotten extremely common everywhere.)

  9. What changed everything ? Everyone always having access to a phone in their pocket…

  10. I’m a nudist and generally prefer at least being topless whenever I’m at the beach or lake. I feel like people in my country don’t really care and I never feel uncomfortable.

    Only once in my life I had a somehow scary experience and that was in France. I was at a pretty long beach somewhere on the Azure Coast and I found a remote place to put my towel and lay down, it was almost at the end of the beach. 20 minutes in, a couple of angry Muslim (I’m only mentioning this detail because I think it’s relevant?) women approached me and told me to leave the beach because apparently I’m setting a bad example for their kids and someone’s husband took a picture of me (wtf?).

  11. Wtf ? Spain, Portugal, Italy, France and Greece have no issues with it, the other countries don’t have sunny beaches lol.

  12. I see women topless very often. It’s not a big deal unless you decide to be all weird about it. Men literally go topless all the time. They’re just nipples we all have them lol

  13. Does it though?

    My family has friends in La Rochelle, whom we visit for a few weeks every couple years.

    It’s almost impossible to go more than 20-30ft without running into nude bathers.

    Guess it really depends on where you are in Europe.

  14. This doesn’t apply to Spain, I am always glad to see people living their lives without shame here

  15. Where the hell do y’all live? Western Germany here and I can’t even remember the last time I’ve seen a woman sun topless. Maybe in 2018 at than one lake… I remember in 2021 a woman was asked to leave my local public pool because she was topless and it made the local news. Literally not a single woman suns topless here.

  16. Please, let us preserve the notion of nudity being non-sexualised here in Europe

  17. Meanwhile here in Munich we have naked beaches in the city(!) Right in the public accessable for everyone.

  18. In 90’s romania there where not that many topless women but a lot of naked children, myself included. Now, its the other way around, you could see some topless women and its not that strange, Its kinda normal even if its not prevelant.

  19. I live in Romania and many of the women go topless and have done so for years.

  20. Very common here in Portugal. I live +- 500m from the beach and i see people from my country and tourists from all european nations doing it. It was never an issue to anyone. Never noticed an increase or decrease in people doing it.
    What people tend to comment here are other “myths” like “you can’t drive without a shirt” or do it on the street etc

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