I don’t think Ben understands that this will appeal to the left…

I don’t think Ben understands that this will appeal to the left…

Posted by Cuttlery

  1. He could have picked any SNL character and he picks arguably the most beloved sketch from one of the most beloved actors to make a point while using a heartwarming candid photo.


  2. Ben Shapiro is such a vile, imbecilic, petty, slimy, racist, sexist,.. [One Eternity Later] .. lying piece of shit.

  3. Of course he lives in a van down by the river….that’s the best fishing spot and he ain’t moving for nobody.

  4. Does that homunculus who can’t get his wife aroused really want to get into body-shaming?

  5. They are really struggling with finding ways to attack the Dems. Everything they say sounds like an endorsement to normal people.

  6. Im just glad Shapiro hasnt found Walz’s stripper days.


  7. Benny, you understand we LIKE Chris Farley, right?

    And you still don’t get that YOU guys are the weird creeps!

  8. Finally realized that two DIFFERENT Shapiro’s keep getting into my news feeds. I was wondering why Harris would consider Ben Shapiro for VP…

  9. Wow. I keep finding out I like this guy (the one living in the van) more and more. Like, every 10 minutes this morning. Thanks, dick.

  10. Tim Walz looks to be an absolute gem of a human being. Likeable, smart, funny and empathetic.

    Meanwhile Ben Shapiro is a creepy, weird, sniveling little weasel who does nothing but piss and moan about goddamed EVERYTHING.

    Given the choice of getting paid $1000 to sit in a room for 30 seconds with Ben Shapiro or spending an entire day with Tim Walz at a family barbecue, me and Tim are gonna throw back some beers and grill some burgers!

  11. Ben needs to go get a good look at a t-bone, and not just take the butcher’s word for it.

  12. Tim Walz is the kinda guy who will let you borrow his van down by the river so you can have a nice place to sit in the shade while you fish. He’ll even let you borrow his fishing rod if you need it.

  13. Haters gonna hate. No matter who she picked, they will find a way to hate. No human, except for maybe the pope, could pass their purity test.

  14. We love our lakes and rivers here. It’s our dream to live there. Plus, we love our chubby, funny, men. Is he trying to insult Walz?

    Ben Shapiro, you are a failure at life.

  15. is… is he seriously making a fat joke about the Dem VP pick when Donald-McDonald’s at the White House-Trump is the GOP candidate?

  16. I’m surprised Ben even knows about Chris Farley’s SNL skit.

    I figured it would be “too woke” for him since he’s a white supremacist. 

  17. The man is relatable. I’m more likely to live in a van down by the river, than I am to fuck a couch. 

  18. Oof that is weak. Even for Mr “I cant please my wife” Shapiro, that is weak.

  19. If you’re going to mock a guy for being overweight maybe don’t compare him to a beloved figure in their most iconic moment. Weirdo.

  20. ![gif](giphy|YZlQaMesgPIAM|downsized)

    They are really trying to piss off each and every American.

  21. Conservatives asking themselves “Hey Jack, how can I get back on the right track?”

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