Trump calls Harris’ VP pick Tim Walz a ‘dangerous extremist’ after he called him ‘weird’

Trump calls Harris’ VP pick Tim Walz a ‘dangerous extremist’ after he called him ‘weird’

Posted by TheMirrorUS

  1. “Extreme” HS football coach and teacher, who is “radical” because he gave kids breakfast.

  2. Let them talk up how against kids, education, unions, public safety, global strength, economic growth they are as they criticize him. It’s a perfect contrast to their own radicalism.

  3. Dangerous extremist? lol! As if Orange Hitler would have said anything different about anyone else. The Heritage Foundation chip in his brain is only programmed one way.

  4. ALL that $ spent on meals for kids at schools. Could have given a little more tax breaks to billionaires. Radical leftist.

  5. Ah yes…when I think about “Extreme” the first thing that pops into my head is….Minnesota.

  6. I get the sense this weirdo and his staff aren’t even bothering to look at what their opponents argue for or against. They just jump to these canned responses, and end up looking like idiots when they, for example, argue in support of the working class and then call someone else who does that same thing a “dangerous extremist.”

    C’mon, conservatives: When are you gonna see that the people you’re voting do not consider you anything other than serfs, cattle, and idiots?

  7. Weird old guy always paints his face orange and spews shit from his mouth.

  8. Yeah, Midwest teacher and football coach versus his pick, a guy who changed name three times along with his religion and who wears eye makeup.

  9. The statement continued, “From proposing his own carbon-free agenda, to suggesting stricter emission standards for gas-powered cars, and ***embracing policies to allow convicted felons to vote***, Walz is obsessed with spreading California’s dangerously liberal agenda far and wide.😁

    ***the lack of self awareness is hilarious

  10. Literally, no matter who was picked, Trump would have said this. Even if Harris somehow stole Vance away from him, he would have called him that.

  11. I get tired of trump always taking everything to extremes. All he has is “like the world has never seen, most radical and the most extreme… Cheap Debbie Downer!

  12. The only dangerous extremist is the putin dix suckin, pedophile, rapist,casino bankrupting, daughter creeping 9000 year old creepster.

  13. t-Hump would know dangerous extremists, he’s put his whole party in extreme danger supporting violent ideologies. Nobody wants dead “undesirables” more than the GOP

  14. Because according to the GOP, politicians who favor policies that a clear majority of Americans are in favor of are “extremists.”

  15. It’s weird that when Trump looks at Walz he sees danger. I see a guy who makes sure he grills a few extra burgers in case the neighbors stop by

  16. I mean, he won honorable mention in a butter carving contest, but I find that delightful. Not “extreme.”

  17. It’s gonna be rich hearing all these “think of the children” conservatives try to talk about how bad it is that kids get free lunches in school.

  18. Ah, Projection.

    A Republican specialty.

    Locked in a 3-way tie with Gaslighting and Obstruction.

  19. Free lunch for all kids?


    Seriously what the fuck is wrong with these people (GOP).

    Edit for clarification.

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