Support for nationalising utilities and public transport has grown significantly in last seven years

Support for nationalising utilities and public transport has grown significantly in last seven years

by marketrent

  1. Excerpt from an article by Matthew Smith:

    *Fully three quarters of Britons (76%) said that railway companies should be run in the public sector, compared to only 13% who thought they should continue to be run by the private sector.*

    *This is a substantial increase in support for nationalisation from when we asked the same question two election campaigns prior – during the 2017 general election campaign 60% had said that the railways should be nationalised and 25% kept privatised.*

    *Support for running utilities in the public sector has grown at an even more rapid pace since 2017, and most so in the case of water companies. While 59% had wanted water companies nationalised seven years ago, that figure now stands at 82% – an increase of 23 points.*

    *This of course follows public anger in recent months about record levels of sewage discharge, and attempts by the companies to pass the cost of fixing those issues on to consumers through higher bills.*

    *Desire to nationalise energy companies has risen at an only marginally lower rate of 18 points, rising from 53% in 2017 to 71% now.*

    *Returning to public transport and we can see that support for nationalising bus companies has also risen, with 66% now saying they should be run in the public sector, up from 50% in 2017.*

    *While the debate over privatisation and nationalisation was a historical dividing line between Labour and the Conservatives, this is no longer the case among the electorate. Across voters planning to pick one of the four biggest parties during the 2024 election campaign, there was support for bringing public transport and utilities into the public sector.*

    *A majority of those who were planning to vote Conservative in mid-June are in support of railway nationalisation (60%), as were 77% of Reform UK voters, 81% of Lib Dem voters and 87% of Labour voters.*

  2. Doesn’t matter, no chance of anything like that with this Labour, especially with Reeves as chancellor.

  3. As far as I’m concerned all public transport and utilities should be nationalised. And remove the internal market bollocks from the NHS while they’re at it.

  4. Support for nationalising utilities and public transport has grown significantly

    *Anger rises significantly toward shitty large, private offshore companies who make travelling to shitty large, private offshore companies regional jobs absolutely insufferable*

  5. It’s almost as though services are being ran into the ground as a corporate money milking enterprise to give dividends to shareholders from a captive audience.

    Our utilities and infrastructure should be nationalised.

  6. Politicians use nationalisation policies to get votes because it is popular and they then water it down when the private companies start to lobby them.

    What people actually want is irrelevant, the UK is a private club and people are only given these narrow bounds of choices on purpose.

    Starmer might have even campaigned for it under Corbyn, he doesn’t now.

  7. All whilst Labour’s attitude towards actually doing either has plummeted. Can’t make it up.

  8. The most pointless and wasteful policies, especially in the context of road and rail projects being axed, which would actually help the economy and people.

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