Trump wanted to run against Joe so badly he’s now making up weird fan fictions

Trump wanted to run against Joe so badly he’s now making up weird fan fictions

Posted by sumgye

  1. That dumb motherf*cker thinks that Kamala is the president right now? JFC, this f*cking guy is so f*cking weird.

  2. Completely and fucking utterly mentally unstable

    …. and we gave him the nuclear access codes.

  3. Wait, I thought Joe Biden was never the president? Are you conceding the 2020 election now?

  4. He can’t even keep up with his own delusions he really is mega weird. ( making evil great again)

  5. “Insults are the last resort of insecure people with a crumbling position trying to appear confident.”

  6. I honestly cannot tell if this is real or not. Think about it. He talks like this so often, that I cannot tell the difference

  7. Having suffered hallucinations all my life, I never thought I’d relish in someone else’s clear mental anguish.

    Yet here I am.🤪


  9. I really, really can’t wait for the debate. His psychotic, paranoid rage-babbling will make that fiasco from 2020 look like Sunday tea with the vicar.

  10. If this is real, it is so fucking WEIRD.

    Seriously. Magats must be deranged to support such a demento.

  11. This is seriously batshit. Even for him. He is scared to death of losing to Kamala and it’s making him lose his mind.

  12. He’s handing the presidency over willingly or is it a coup? Which one is it orange boy?

  13. Joe Biden is still the president.

    His first premise in his psychotic rant is factually wrong.

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