Jordan, Qatar and Saudis rejecting requests to join post-war peacekeeping force – officials

Jordan, Qatar and Saudis rejecting requests to join post-war peacekeeping force – officials

Posted by Sabrina_janny

  1. It’s almost like no one wants anything to do with the Palestinian people. I wonder why?

  2. Palestinians in the occupied lands of Palestine are denied all human rights by Israel and have been since they captured those lands in 1967. Why would anyone want to directly assist Israel in their human rights abuses with troops on the ground?

  3. Lmao, this is wild. You’re asking 3 other nations to clean up the mess israel and the U.S. made.

    P.A should take over and connect the two lands. Have the U.S military restore and rebuild order.

  4. “However, they clarified that Cairo and Abu Dhabi have a series of conditions, including that the peacekeeping force be part of an initiative leading to an eventual two-state solution — a framework rejected by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”

    Pretty obvious what’s going on here.

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