Are you ok, Manchester?

Are you ok, Manchester?

by troughue

  1. They are trying to integrate into British culture.

    But for real integration, they lack the violence. They should attack churches and try to torch housing of poor people

  2. Ah, yes, you cannot call yourself western without a city like that. A clear sign of superiority.

  3. They are indeed not okay.

    Love everyday more and more to live in the countryside of England.

  4. Nah, it’s just Tuesday. They advertise Allan’s Snackbar (Just round the corner from the station) with vigorous gusto. I’m with them. Top sandwiches.

  5. Not risking prison . I will miss bantering on this sub . Its been a pleasure you far right Nazi cunts.

  6. Skinheads with swastikas tattooed on their bald heads: *Start setting fire to places of worship for the dumbest and most uninformed reason possible.*

    This fucking sub: “Ok but what about the scary evil foreigners shouldn’t we talk about the scary evil foreigners like Elon Musk wants? Come on guys get angry at the scary evil foreigners!*

  7. Fairly certain this is an old video from when the cricket was on and not related to current events.

  8. Oh hey Ive been to that street (6 years ago). Had some dank ass curry in a steamy, grimy little restaurant. It’s a little different right now I see.

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