Do you think NHS Dentists should allow patients to choose between white fillings and silver (amalgam) fillings?

If you feel you relate to this, I’d appreciate you signing the petition to the Scottish Government as they have recently accepted to discuss this.

Were not asking for free/included white composite fillings, but to have the choose to pick between these and pay for them if required. Currently if you want to have a white filling in the molar teeth, you’re required to go private.

Calling on the Scottish Parliament to urge the Scottish Government to ensure white composite fillings are available as a treatment option for registered NHS dental patients, specifically when treating molar teeth.

The National Health Service (NHS), as an organisation, aims to provide comprehensive health services, which includes dental care. However, patients urgently require more choice when it comes to dental fillings specifically in molar teeth.

Currently, the most commonly used filling material in the NHS is silver amalgam – a durable, yet aesthetically unpleasing option. Unfortunately, white composite fillings, which blend with the natural tooth colour and preserve more of the tooth structure, continue to be unavailable for back teeth.

A 2009 World Health Organization report, ‘Future Use of Materials for Dental Restoration’, acknowledges the aesthetical advantage of composite over amalgam fillings. Furthermore, research published by King’s College London in 2017 indicated that 92% of UK adults prefer tooth-coloured fillings.

It's a major priority to respect patients' preferences and dignity in their healthcare experiences. Thus, we urge the Scottish Government to modify its policy to enable composite fillings on the NHS.

by Scottish-Hamish

  1. I was under the impression (perhaps wrongly) that if you want white fillings at the back, they could be done by an NHS dentist but had to be paid extra for because they were classed as an aesthetic choice. Is that not so?

  2. >*Were not asking for free/included white composite fillings, but to have the choose to pick between these and pay for them if required. Currently if you want to have a white filling in the molar teeth, you’re required to go private.*

    AKA you can choose between having the standard for free or paying for white composite if you want it.

    At very least you ought to refine the petition so its a bit clearer.

  3. You pay for fillings as an NHS patient regardless of material unless you’re entitled to free treatment.

  4. I just wish there were NHS dentists period. Trying to find a dentist who takes on NHS patients at the moment is like finding hen’s teeth, your only option is to go private or pray that things improve in the next few years and take extremely good care of your dental hygiene in the meantime.

  5. The last time I went I was given the choice.

    Either a standard filling, or pay the extra for the white filling.

    So I’m not sure what the point of this is.

  6. I thought there were health issues possible with the amalgam (old-type) re the mercury? (have not had any for some time!)

  7. So you’ve got a petition for something that’s already done? That’s what happens. Amalgam standard or pay extra for white fillings. Most dentists I’ve been to actively try to upsell and get you to take these despite being nowhere near as long lasting as amalgam ones. 

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