Driven insane by panic russians demand to know where Ukriane got nuclear weapons with which is struck kursk.

Driven insane by panic russians demand to know where Ukriane got nuclear weapons with which is struck kursk.

by Usual-Scarcity-4910

  1. The Russian Tg channel called “The Patriot’s Truth”:

    “The nuclear explosion!! Our dear Kursk was hit with the tactical nuclear missiles!! Where the fuck khokhols got the nuclear weapons from?????”

  2. What it reminds me of

    >The Davidka may have been both the worst and the most overpowered mortar ever made. From a technical standpoint it was a disaster. It shot garbage as ammo, had literally zero precision capability, and would frequently explode and kill the person shooting it. But it made a ridiculously loud noise which would turn out to be decisive during the 1948 war.

    >After Arab mobs began attacks on the small Jewish population of the city of Safed, the Jews asked the Haganah (Biggest zionist army at the time) to take the city and save them. They began with a massive Davidka barrage on the city. While the mortars themselves did little damage, it absolutely terrified the Arabs in Safed. Rumors (potentially started by Jewish spies) began spreading that the Jews had launched a nuclear barrage at Safed. Remember, this is a rural Arab town in 1948. People know that atom bombs are a big scary thing, but nobody there really knows exactly what they are. The rumors claimed that the Jews who had created the atom bomb (Oppenheimer, Einstein, etc) had given the Haganah multiple bombs. The final straw was the heavy unexpected rains the next day which many residents thought was a side effect of nukes. The nuke theory caused mass panic and was a big factor in the full Arab retreat and evacuation of Safed.

  3. I saw a guy on Russians news say Ukraine has tactical nuclear weapons. They are probably pushing this is why Ukraine is confident enough to attack Russian territory.    

    Unfortunately it seems they are laying the groundwork for a justification to launch nuclear strike at some point should Putin authorize it. 

  4. ah got me excited there for s ec.. it’s just the “Link below !!! ” typical clickbait (

  5. This is funny, but also dangerous for the orcs because hopefully rumours will start in their lines and they’ll panic and run.

  6. Yep, it was a Hypersonic Nuke from the US dropped by Ukrainian F-22s and F-35s 🥸🥸🥸🥸

  7. Uhh, someone catch me up on what happened because Google and my news articles aren’t showing anything related to this.

  8. I would be 0% surprised if Russian government (not specifically just Putin), would nuke its own people to try and justify a broader nuclear action.

    In fact, I’m actually more surprised we haven’t seen Russia pull a major false flag on itself yet.

  9. Why wouldn’t they assume their own aircraft didn’t nuke Kursk. They bomb it often.

  10. As everyone knows they have CIA biolabs, so it’s plausible they also have nukes and space lasers

  11. When they disposed of uxo around Kandahar AFB you could swear a nuke went off, the mushroom and everyhting.

  12. I mean if russia was prepping to tac nuke and clearly has them…somewhere.
    How would ukraine know? and if they did know it would be in their interest to hit them and cause massive ammo storage losses.
    If any radiation is detected I would bet it was already a tact nuke they had and were prepped to use.

  13. They live in a censored controlled media Information controlled world.


    Red Storm Rising. Tom Clancy 1986

    Their Information controlled environment becomes their demise


    Because a coup can succeed in this secluded environment

    The RF public fear speaking out to ask why?

    The Russian Govt controls access to contradicting info

  14. It’s like the 1991 Ukrainian-Russian Treaty was erased from Russian History. Ukrainians are fighting Fascist Russians with amnesia, it’s very sad.

  15. Barksdale. Minot. Various NATO storage. In fact, NATO troops are swarming into Yakutsk, Irkutsk, and Novosibirsk. All confirmed. Russians in chaos. Vodka supplies dwindling.

  16. To be fair Ukraine was the world’s 3rd largest nuclear power after the USSR imploded.

    USA made a deal with Ukraine to disarm them and so on. Technically USA already agreed to protect Ukraine from Russia to get all those nukes. Although this seems to be largely forgotten when it comes to public discourse and what not.

    There shouldn’t be any of those old and probably of questionable condition nukes left. And if even if there was, they wouldn’t be very reliable after this long.

    It’s not at all impossible for Ukraine to have a nuke or two up their sleeve. But it’s very unlikely at best.

    All that being said, it would be unwise for Ukraine to attempt to use them if they did have them at all.

  17. I know the Russians are prone to both hyperbole and misinformation, but I just woke up from an after dinner nap (fool’s mistake) and this is the first headline I’ve seen. So we went from 3 companies of Ukrainian troops raiding over the border to a nuclear cataclysm over the last few hours? The fuck did I just wake up to?

  18. To «правда патріота» (“Patriot’s Truth”), Even now you’re playing the perpetual victim by claiming your dear nation has been struck by tactical nuclear weapons. It hasn’t. But what you are experiencing is called ‘what goes around comes around”. You’re apolitical so these strikes on military facilities shouldn’t bother you – think of them as apolitical as well.

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