PPP-Adjusted Median Disposable Income for US States [OC]

PPP-Adjusted Median Disposable Income for US States [OC]

Posted by Hopeful_Line_7129

  1. PPP = Cost of Goods and Services – food, housing, healthcare, transportation, etc.

  2. This is why the US is such an important market, lots of free cash to spend in comparison to the rest of the world.

  3. A lot of people may not realize that despite the US not being the best place to live it has the highest income of any country in the world(As this chart demonstrates). I think many people living in the US don’t realize just how rich they are

  4. Wyoming and the Dakotas between Connecticut and Massachusetts? I wouldn’t have guessed that.

  5. Very confusing color scheme. Red and blue in US States generally denote political party affiliation. This really needs a legend

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