Calmest Dutch WC

Calmest Dutch WC

by peseoane

  1. Hate to be that guy, but these guys sound suspiciously Belgian, or at the very least from one the inferior provinces.

  2. They can export that door to the Amerit*rds now, seeing as they love to be able to see each other on their porcelain thrones.

  3. This is Antwerpian, a dialect so ugly and dumpy, it makes you want to let the Dutch annex them.

  4. i wonder which circumstances lead to this. well obviously beer, but how did he break the door AND the wall? wat

  5. My guess is the door jammed.
    We can see in the first frame the guy with glasses was doing something on the lock. Either lockpicking it or jamming it intentionally

  6. I’m looking forward to the 10h during extended version of vindegijdanormaalofwa.

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