USA widerrufen Sheikh Hasinas Visum nach Amtsenthebung in Bangladesch – Ex-Premierministerin sucht Asyl im Westen

USA widerrufen Sheikh Hasinas Visum nach Amtsenthebung in Bangladesch – Ex-Premierministerin sucht Asyl im Westen

  1. >US Revokes Sheikh Hasina’s Visa

    Ok, I’m just gonna play the *Price is Right* “losing buzzer” sound in my head while she talks in the picture to set the mood.

  2. I hope she gets sent back to her home country to face justice for the deaths she caused.

  3. She started as a pro democracy icon but then regressed and became increasingly autocratic during her 15 year rule. She’s a master class of why term limits are essential to maintaining a democracy. Corruption eventually takes hold the longer you’re in office. It’s a direct relationship.

  4. That doesn’t sound unusual. I assume heads of state are automatically granted visas because of their office. She is no longer a head of state. 

  5. I’m very sure she will make her way to Singapore or Dubai, both countries aren’t shy of accepting deposed dictators provided you bring along your ill gotten gains

  6. Catch 22: The harder you make it for dictators to relinquish power and retire peacefully in another country, the more likely they are to fight to the bitter end in the future.

  7. Eventually it will become a battle between the Islamicists and the Military and Bangladesh will turn back into another Pakistan

  8. Any politician who holds office for 15 years and can’t lay aside enough money to pick up even a modest island or buy their way into London just isn’t trying.

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